...a place to bury thoughts

Melting away

April 6, 2014 @ 08:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, gaming, pets, Buffalo Sabres, Toronto FC, Cobalt, Driftmoon

Cobalt the Kitten

Cobalt the Kitten

It was a busy weekend. First and foremost, April 6th marked 11 years since I met bdot in Kleinberg. While walking outside yesterday we remarked to each other that we were glad neither of us turned out to be a serial killer. (That I’m aware of anyway….) Happy anniversary chou-san.

Saturday bdot was out most of the afternoon. She met up with her sister for an afternoon of crafting. The craft was knitting. It seems we may need an add-on to our add-on to house all the balls of yarn she has acquired. She also has my paypal info which she uses to buy more patterns. I’m wondering if this was a good idea…

After making all afternoon – I met up with bdot and we drove up to my sister’s for dinner. I was shocked to see how much snow they still have in Horseshoe Valley. I know it is a ‘micro-climate’ but I can see 80% of my lawn now… Just an hour north and their entire lawn is covered by at least 3 feet of snow…. the edges reaching close to 6 feet! Unreal. We ate as soon as we arrived since we got there fairly late. The brother-in-law cooked up an assortment of stuffed chicken breasts, meatballs, salmon and pirogi. Yum. My parents, who just got back from their southern vacation were already there. My parents said their vacation was a mixed bag for weather. A lot of days around 60F but a few dropping down to 30F. They met up my aunt and uncle a few times for dinners and cards… seemed like a largely relaxing time.

My Sister’s dog Wiley who had the strange sudden back-leg paralysis appeared to be doing okay. She was walking around being a dog although she did seem less interested in wrestling, like we have in the past. We also met their new cat named Cobalt. He is a quiet little ball of energy. I’ve never owned a ‘ragdoll’ cat… they have the ability to go limp like a dead fish. It is pretty odd. As you can see from the photo above, the cat has already figured out that humans are warm and a great place to sleep. It was a fun evening. I enjoyed watching Phanooof and the Leafs lose. Playoff chances now below 2%. Heh. It was good to see everyone.

Sabres continue to suck. It was really disheartening to see the non-response against the Flyers after a player was wiped-out AND the goalie run. Where are the leaders? Feels eerily similar to the post Lucic run on Miller. Sigh. This season can’t end soon enough. I do take solace in believing half of the mish-mash of players now on the team will be gone next year. At least TFC won and are now 3 and 1… They won even without Defoe… which is encouraging.

Friday night we blasted through the last few episodes of season three’s Game of Thrones. ‘You know nothing Jon Snow!’ I know season four has started. We’ll be watching episode one tonight… I’m curious to see how the empire strikes back… Season three was decimating for the good guys.

Yarrrrrr! 'Tis blotch the crab.

Yarrrrrr! 'Tis blotch the crab.

I’ve been playing an indie RPG named Driftmoon on and off for awhile now. It is a pretty unique RPG. The focus is certainly on story and humour and the game has plenty of self-deprecating jokes and curious characters. I put in a few hours this weekend and completed the game. I have to say it was a ton of fun. It is only $15 bucks on Steam. Well worth a look for a refreshing take on the RPG genre. Hopefully the husband and wife duo release another game in this vein.

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