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Manjaro Media

January 26, 2016 @ 09:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Linux, Manjaro, Linux Mint, Media

The Desktop

The Desktop

For ages Iโ€™ve wanted to run a secondary linux based PC for mediaโ€ฆ It has always been a time suck that resulted in frustration and nothing ever working. Well that has changed. I was poking around the linux distro site and read about a few distros. The Manjaro with XFCE looked promised. Downloaded. Installed. Configured. Now I have the following working:
-Netflix (in Chrome)
-Spotify (in Chrome)
-OTA TV (with VLC)
-Radio streaming
-NHL Centre Ice (In Chrome) The OTA TV was a bit of a process. I have a very old tuner card: The Hauppauge 1250. What I didโ€ฆ First downloaded w_scan. Iโ€™m in Canada, the country code w_scan uses for it is CA. From the prompt: sudo w_scan -ft -c CA > ~/channels.conf Basically that will give you the frequency list of working channels. Then just tell VLC to play it: vlc dvb://frequency=189000000 The file had the frequency listed as 189000 but the player likes it better with more zeroes 189000000. *shrug* I saved each channel as a separate playlist. Then loaded them all and re-saved them in one big playlist. So I can next/prev for my channels. I doubt this is the correct way of doing this but it works. ๐Ÿ˜€

Feeling pretty worn out today. Ugh.

*blush* Yes. I switched to Linux Mint 17.3/XFCE. What a lovely distro!

What a lovely distro!

OMG update

STEAM WORKS IN LINUX! WHY WASNโ€™T I TOLD???! I just installed Civ V via Steam on Linux Mint. @___@ This is a (pardon the pun) game changer! I can now see a day I give up on Windows. Glorious!

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