...a place to bury thoughts

It is a mahhhdhouse

November 12, 2012 @ 10:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

music, weather, Come on Pilgrim, idrinkcoffee

Come on Pilgrim

Come on Pilgrim

Bdot ended up getting home from B.C. late Friday night. I think it was after 1 A.Mโ€ฆ I was remarkably tired but managed to stay awake to say hello.

Saturday, after sadly using the last of our idrinkcoffee beans, we drove over to Vaughan. It is a challenge these days to be out of touch with friends and family. The device that keeps us connected is usually our phones. Bdot forgot her phone charger in her hotel room so we when specifically to Vaughan so she could get her work charger. Wowโ€ฆ living in Bolton Iโ€™ve become disconnected from the frantic nature of the cities surrounding Toronto. The mall area around the Vaughan Costco on a Saturday is a complete mahhhdhouse. Most malls are crazy at Christmas. I think this mall is crazy all the time. The first order of business was to check out frames for bdot as she is looking at getting new glasses. I think she found a few winning frames. Not surprisingly the most expensive brand there. (Thank you benefits) The next stop was the aforementioned Costco. We actually had to do a shopper stalk in order to get a parking spot. Insane. I think we always spend more money than we need to when we go to Costcoโ€ฆ there is something about buying big portions of things that must appeal to various parts of the brain. Or maybe people just like stuff. We delayed lunch to hit bdotโ€™s favourite Indian restaurant. They are in the middle of a renovation but still served us a delicious dinner. (Iโ€™ll have to look up the name of the restaurantโ€ฆ it alludes me right now)

In the evening my buddy Deanโ€™s pixies cover band (Come on Pilgrim โ€“ CoP) was playing in downtown Toronto. Bdot wanted to go, but her looooong week and jetlag made it physically impossible as sleep beckoned loudly. It was a fairly painless drive to the bar, which is right beside Honest Edโ€™s. Deanโ€™s band always plays with a Joy Division cover band and they kicked the evening off with some Rock. I met up with Captain at the show and we decided to try the Granville Island IPA which was on tap. Iโ€™m not certain this is the beer we had, which is unfortunate, because it was a refreshing amber IPA with no aftertaste. Yum. Iโ€™m actually quite impressed by the selection of beers this B.C. brewery has to offer. Iโ€™d certainly get it again and would love to know if it is available at the Beer store or LCBO. Both bands played pretty tight sets. I think CoP in particular was crisper than the last performance I saw of them. They looked like they had fun performing. The crowd was offering them cash to play more songs at the end of the night but I think they had exhausted the material they knew. *snort* Leave them wanting more I guess. After the show we talked for awhile outside. It was an surprisingly warm and pleasant night. It was good to see everyone for a night of Rock. There was a curious patron at the show, this guy was clearly hammered and was ordering a beer at the same time I wasโ€ฆ Anyway he turned into a bit of a curious drama. First off he gave the bartender grief over how much head was on his draft (I thought it wasnโ€™t that badโ€ฆ) so he poured the beer and pulled him another draft. He took the beer and told him it was on his tab and gave a name then walked away. Heh. Well I see the bartender was going though the cards and his wasnโ€™t one of them. So he had to track the guy down and settle the tab. Captain ran into the guy later in the evening and apparently he is going through a divorce or something. Lovely.

The nice weather continued into Sunday behoving us to do some yard work, so we complied. We ended up spending the afternoon outside in the yard. Checked off the list: Rack the leaves, plant bulbs, clean up the gardens, put up the Christmas lights, clean the garage (Round 1 of ???), walk the dogโ€ฆ We were both bagged by dinner time but it was good to get a lot of that stuff done.

So far Monday has started off poorly. I left the house after a spat with the wife only to run into highway 50 merging down to one lane. So, Monday is living up to its shitty reputation so far. Sigh. Oh, and still no hockey. And still no hope of hockey anytime soon. Fscking aces.

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