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Canadian Highs and Lows

February 26, 2018 @ 11:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, sports, Winter, Alien: Covenant, The Dark Tower, Walking Dead, Winter Olympics

Skater Scott Moir showing show outrage with another penalty call against Canada

Skater Scott Moir showing show outrage with another penalty call against Canada

Ah, the Olympics! It was an interesting event for Canada this year. The expectation for Canada at the Olympics is always Men and Women’s Gold for hockey. Anything less is unacceptable it seems. The Women got close… really close… like one penalty shot close. But ultimately I don’t think the Women earned Gold. After the 2nd period, they appeared to run out of gas – they stopped generating offence. I don’t know if that was coaching or they were gassed or what it was but… they looked slow and unable to mount any offence. I doubt the U.S. goalie made a significant save in the last 30m of the game. Canada had a late powerplay too… So… no excuses. Silver is great internationally – get ’em next time. It was a great game, and the U.S./Canada rivalry is simply the best.

Bronze. Better than a kick in &^%@

Bronze. Better than a kick in &^%@

The Men… well, the men weren’t Canada’s best #ThanksBettman, so my personal expectations were lower. I didn’t think, if we even got to the gold medal game, that we would beat the-drug-filled-country-that-can’t-be-named… that didn’t end up mattered because low and behold, there is a new player in international hockey: Germany! Whoa, the Germans had a plan and executed it perfectly. Despite a strong come back from Canada in the third, a painfully sloppy, penalty-filled, second period had done too much damage to recover from. The boys played hard but ran into the German Wall. I cheered for Germany to beat the-drug-filled-country-that-can’t-be-named in the Gold medal game but will a cheesy penalty in OT, they lost.

Way to go Canada!

Way to go Canada!

Lots of great hockey but disappointing results. Canada also lost a bit of its status as a Curling superpower too, failing to medal in both the Men and Women’s draws. Meh. But it was far from a lost games for Canada. Canada did great in other events, especially a lot of new events this year. In fact Canada set a new medal haul for itself this year! So a mixed bag in South Korea.

We’ll always have pudding Carl. 😦

We’ll always have pudding Carl. 😦

Walking Dead is back on. The next episode has a long farewell to one of its major characters. Carrrrrrl. It was sad sad sad. I wonder where the show will go from here. There was a lot alluded to…

Bdot was always this weekend at her sister’s cottage. She had a very educational time. *cough* I watched a far bit of sports, had some Hertitage Fish and Chips and watched a few movies she would never sit through. I didn’t think The Dark Tower was as bad as the reviews are saying. I liked the main actors. Reviews on RT are saying it was “lifeless, cheesy, cliché, boring”. Maybe it was a poor adaptation (one review called it a “treacherous adaptation”, I don’t know, I have not read the book. *shrug* 16% though…! ⭐⭐⭐ Also watched Alien: Covenant. The creepy, crawling aliens are one of my favourite sci-fi creations. The movie was pretty solid sci-fi and a decent addition to the series. The reviewers liked this one a lot more at 68%. ⭐⭐⭐½

It has warmed up considerably over the past two weeks. Is Winter done?

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