...a place to bury thoughts


January 8, 2007 @ 09:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

computers, Family

One of many beautiful lakes in the area

One of many beautiful lakes in the area

Contrary to what you may have heard I was not abducted by aliens. B. and I were away this weekend to see her parents in Killaloe. Kill-a-what? Yesโ€ฆ it is a small town south east of the south East corner of Algonquin Park. Trips to Killaloe in the past have been fairly stressful endeavors. I wonโ€™t get into details but family get-togethers in Killaloe have generally been tense affairs with someone getting upset by the end of the visit. Thankfully this weekend went rather smoothly. It was a โ€˜Christmasโ€™ visit so there were various presents exchanged. We got B.โ€™s Dad a new computer. He was amazed at how fast it was. Heh. He was using a P2 and was upgraded to an AMD3500. Needless to say he was enjoying the new system.

I spend a far bit of time with B.โ€™s brother and his friends at a cottage on Round Lake. We played a lot of Texas Hold โ€˜Em for lunch money. I actually won one Tournament. It is a fun game when you play with 6 or 7 people. We also had a short disastrous Axis & Allies session. I got caught unaware of an invasion into Britain and yesโ€ฆ the Nazi menace occupied her Majestyโ€™s glorious kingdom for one round. Fun though. Most of B.โ€™s brotherโ€™s friends are pretty big gamers so there was a lot to talk about.

Going to flake out nowโ€ฆ was a long weekend.

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