Pencil Toppers
I work at a unique place. It is all guys except for one; the majority under forty. So there is a ton of testosterone floating around. Most of it is dispelled with a game of Call of Duty but we have also started a new form of fun. We play Rochambeau! What? What indeed. Please allow me to explain this madness. Ahem. What happens is two guys stand facing each other (much like a pistol duel) about 10 meters from each other. Each takes a alternating turn tossing a rubber ball (with one bounce) at each others โballsโ. The goal? To hit the jewels. It is usually pretty obvious if there is a hit. After 5 misses each; each player takes one step closer towards each other. Tossing continues until a bell is rung. Well we finished a Rochambeau tournament at work. And somehow yours truly won. Heh. Does anyone really win Rochambeau?? Funny.