...a place to bury thoughts

Formal to informal

January 16, 2011 @ 11:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, food, hiking, work, Palgrave

Lovely but COLD walk in the forest.

Lovely but COLD walk in the forest.

I left work early Friday to attend B.โ€™s annual work party. It is usually good food and unfortunately formalโ€ฆ So B. managed to find me some threads that made me look respectable. In spite of rushing home and rushing to get ready we were still getting dressed when the limo showed up. Oh yesโ€ฆ we got a limo ride to the dinner. It sure beats driving! It was a great mealโ€ฆ I was as full as a lion after a successful hunt. I thought I was going to explode. I couldnโ€™t wait to remove my felt and get into some โ€˜elastic pantsโ€™. Phew. We did clean up well. B. looked quite stunning.

Saturday we drove up to Horseshoe Valley and spent the night at my sisterโ€™s. B., JP and I went cross country skiing at Horseshoe Valley in the evening for their moonlight ski. It was a beautiful clear, crisp night โ€“ perfect for skiing. Half way around the ski loop there was a fire and hot cider. The night was still very dark, I had no tripod soโ€ฆ the photos are mostly too dark or too blurry. One was decent of the three of us however. Dinner was yummy take-out Indian.

The glow from the fire.

The glow from the fire.

The evening was a lot of scrabble variations with my Sisterโ€ฆ who I introduced Words With Friends too. (Soon coming to Android!) So it will become another outlet for out scrabble playing madness. Birthday boy JP played with his new home theater system which sounded awesome. The four of us managed to polish off 2 bags of cookies throughout the weekend. Phew. We managed to get in a few games of Euchre as well. It was a fun weekend in Oro-Medonte. It was crazy when we first arrived. The weather had been pretty tameโ€ฆ but like magicโ€ฆ soon as we got off the 400 off ramp *bam* it was like entering another world. Visibility dropped to a few car lengths as snow squalled all around us. It was pretty intense and eerily sudden.

Had a nice walk in Palgrave before we got home. I fell so lucky to have that forest nearby. It is enjoyable year-round.

Glad I was away as the Sabresโ€™ laid an egg on Long Island.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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