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Hot Steppa

April 25, 2017 @ 08:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, caledon, Orangeville

Hey buddy

Hey buddy

First off… the story of this Robin. This bird set its nest on top of one of our lights by our sliding door. Ugh. So we moved it. She/he put it back. So we moved it. She/he put it back. FINE. We left it. So it still there. When I go near the nest the bird flys away. It was ridiculous when I was BBQing. It must have flown back and forth from the nest six or seven times… (We did try to move the nest) Curiously did doesn’t fly away from bdot. Hoping the chicks make it and don’t end up in the ravine…What a stubborn bird, it is certainly at the right house.

One of the many boardwalk

One of the many boardwalk

We continue to enjoy our new bike rake. We took the bikes to Orangeville’s Island Lake Conservation Area. Sunday was a gorgeous day. I guess everyone figured that out. The lake was rammed. That wasn’t surprising, the loop is awesome. That said, tt was a pretty poor decision to bike there. It is really a walking path since there are tons of boardwalk areas where you can’t pass people walking if you are on a bike. So it was start, stop, wait, wait, wait, start, stop… while it was a beautiful ride, it was still pretty frustrating.

Leafs fought well but are out. As are the Habs. Going for the Sens and Caps. I would still like to see the great 8 hoist the Cup.

I’ve started wearing a fitbit that my sister gave me. I didn’t know if I would. It is actually pretty neat. The fitbit is really just a step counter with a pretty UI. I do like the goal animations and being able to quantify your steps certainly does encourage more activity.

Oh…. and the pissing contest between Tr*mp and Kim Jong-un is getting disturbing. Two narcissist egomaniacs talking smack with nuclear weapons is sickening…

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