...a place to bury thoughts

Away on Holidayโ€ฆ.

August 9, 2009 @ 03:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, vacation, Round Lake

Hol-i-day, far away.

Hol-i-day, far away.

Yes, B. and I and dog-a-log are off to Round Lake today with a stopover in Peterboro to see my parents. I may be back midweek for a few days if a job pans out. I have tentatively accepted a position in Burlington doing web work starting Aug 24. Regrettably it is just a four month contract, they say, assuming it works out, that they want another full time dev soโ€ฆ Weโ€™ll see. In the meantime Iโ€™ll keep looking. Regardless, Iโ€™m still looking forward to some downtime with B. on the Lake. See yโ€™all in a bit.

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