...a place to bury thoughts

Goodbye 2012. Hello 2013.

January 3, 2013 @ 07:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, hockey, The Hobbit

Happy new year! *hic!*

Happy new year! *hic!*

Argh, so back to work… I’ve got up to watch every team Canada World Junior’s game… including the Semis game this morning. The games have often started at 4AM here… so it has really messed up my sleeping pattern. Seeing how embarrassing the game ended up being, and how tired I now feel at work, I regret getting up this morning. No doubt had they shown up and won I’d feel different. But they didn’t. The U.S. owned them in every aspect of play. It was a completely disheartening and disappointing game. Hopefully they will show-up for the bronze game or they’ll go home with nothing. The silver lining is the Sabres prospects that are playing Grigo and McCabe are often stars of the game and are looking impressive. Blah.



New Years eve day was fun. We spent it with my sister and BiL at Horseshoe Valley. Since we were finally in an area with snow, we went snowshoeing with the dogs. After we got some air we went out to see the Hobbit in Barrie. I loved it. The other three I attended the movie with, no so much. I guess you need to enjoy Tolkien’s fantasy to appreciate it perhaps? I thought it looked great, the characters were interesting… sure the story took some time to unfold… but the Hobbit is the start of a bigger story, to not do so would do Tolkien’s book a disservice. I’ll probably watch the Hobbit again and I’m really looking forward to the next two chapters! After the film we picked up take-out from Tara (where else??). Dinner was delicious. After dinner we started drinking the numerous interesting dark beer we amassed. Hopefully I’ll update this later with beer details. Some of them were good, some not so much… We played euchre most of the night… ultimately not going to bed until *gasp* close to 5AM. I sure feel like these late nights are accumulating.

Pretty quiet the rest of the time off before returning to work. Enjoyed bdot’s turkey pie, did some gaming… mostly down time. Now back to reality.

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