...a place to bury thoughts

Happy 3rd Birthday Poopers

April 25, 2023 @ 10:04 pm πŸ”— Post Link

APTBT, Linux, Wordpress, Geeky, Skinny Puppy, Mystic, POP-OS, Web Development, World U18 Juniors

Underdog Happy Birthday Mystic!

Our dog is now three. She is not a mental case all the time now. Aging sucks. Even for dogs.

Wow, Leafs getting lucky. Two OT wins in games they were largely outplayed...That third period in game four is pretty inexcusable by the Bolts, however... they were up 4-1 going into the third. Woof. Jets are also behind the eight-ball...at least the Oilers are tied. Hmpt.

Going to see Skinny Puppy tomorrow. It is somewhat bittersweet. The band reminds me of my best friend who passed away. No doubt he would be going with me... He'll be there on some level. An old co-worker invited me to the show, it will be great to see him.Sigh.

Bill and I saw our friends' bar band last weekend. I dunno... They had a saxophone playing to Clash and Ramones songs...I mean there is only so much creativity liberty I can stand. The mix was also poor. Our friend was the drummer and you could hardly hear him. Shame he appears to be really good. I may have overshared my displeasure. *frown*

I'm liking POP! OS. Steam seems less stable in Pop than Mint however... I've had some 'crashes to desktop' in Civ VI... which has not crashed in Mint. Otherwise, it is smooth sailing. They sure appear to update it a lot. There are updates every week it seems.

I've been playing with Apache 2.4 on Windows 10. I finally got it running. I hope to run Ubuntu instead but I'm having various permission issues with files from Plex. (I want Plex on the same machine) and Wordpress is being a beast to install so... Sigh.

Just found this LAMP installer... What?! Is this real?! Testing. $ sudo tasksel install lamp-server Hmm, the command executed but it appears to have done nothing? Clearly too good to be true. Yup, it did nothing. *shrug* weird.

IIHF U18 - πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ started poorly against πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ but have been okay since... looks like they are on to the quarterfinals...

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