So many boxes.
Yes we are still in Rockland Renoland. We should finally begin seeing some discernible progress within a week or two. Saturday we drove down to North York in a rented U-haul van and picked up our Tile, unloaded it, then to Brampton to pick up our hardwood then unload that. Oh did I mention it was above 30 degrees? The tile process was quick and efficient with Stone tile. The fork-lift operator manipulated the entire skid of tile into the truck easily. It didn’t look easy it was a tight fit. The pick-up from Brampton Hardwood was not as smooth. First arriving at the store the ‘customer pick-up door’ was LOCKED… we went inside and found out we had to go to another location. Fine can we have a receipt please. No. What? You won’t give us a copy of the receipt ‘No no no! Not for you….”. *blink* The staff was beyond rude at the showroom… not surprisingly other staff mentioned they hear complains about ‘her’ all the time. Brutal. We will not give them business again. The unloading went better than I expected. Sure it was tough work for awhile… but I heard horror stories from my co-worker about unloading hardwood. Bdot and I did one box at a time and the van emptied pretty quickly. With the tile and hardwood now at the house we expect them to be installed within two weeks. This will be a huge part of the reno puzzle completed.
To reward ourselves after all that running around we hit Bolton’s first ever ribfest. We were both impressed with the number of vendors and impressive turnout. Not so impressed with the line-ups for food everywhere. But the ribs and pulled pork were well worth the wait! While I waited in line I got a funny vibe from the women in front of me. I noticed she was typing on her phone something about the guy standing behind her in line… I didn’t make out any more but I thought it was extremely odd. I didn’t exchange a word with her. My guess is she was texting the ‘guy standing behind her in line‘ is handsome like James Bond. *smirk*
The other quest right now is for a hot-tub. I’m pretty sure we’ll get a Marquis tub. The problem is deciding which one. Since it will primarily just be the two of us using it, we’re focused on a smaller tub that offers a variety of therapeutic jets. Sunday afternoon we stopped in Barrie to check-out the Spirit, which we were both impressed with. Sunday afternoon we spend with my family at my Sister’s place. It was a pretty quiet afternoon of food and family and family pets. I think at some point we thought of golfing, but it was stupid hot so that idea evaporated. By the time we got home Sunday night we were both pretty bagged… it was a productive and busy weekend.
Today the reno guys are putting concrete down on the main floor to level it for the tile. This means we’ll be restricted to one room for most of the night as the concrete dries. Yippie. I’m wondering now how we’ll let the cats out of the basement they are locked in….
The more I read about the Zimmerman case in the States the most disgusting it gets. It seems far from over. What a sad story.
Reno information for future reference. The hardwood is from the Canadian manufacture St. Lawrence Collections. The hardwood is St. Lawrence Collections : Red Oak – Rich Oak. I don’t think the website does it justice however.
The tile is from Italian manufacture Isla Tile. We went with a Glazed porcelain stoneware called Fusion Travertine Osso Nat. Rett. 730483 in the non-polished rectified format. It is of course pretty different tile to tile.