...a place to bury thoughts

Why yes, I'll have more pierogi

December 30, 2023 @ 10:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Home, Family, Night Agent, Steam, Oppenheimer, World Juniors 2024

Lovely Steam Sale Pixel Graphic!

Lovely Steam Sale Pixel Graphic!

Tick. Tock. I got some steam credit for Christmas but I'm still having trouble finding something to buy. Ugh. Might just hold on and wait then...

Oh yes, we ate them all...

Oh yes, we ate them all...

Well! We finally got together with my Mom for Christmas. Better late then never I guess. She dropped in Friday afternoon and stayed the night. We had a delicious ham, Mom brought pierogi, which we destroyed... It was a low effort but highly rewarding dinner. We opened a few presents too. Even the pets got in on the action. Mystic was killing her new toy right away. I don't think the honker survived the night. The boy also investigated everything and did his share of destroying too. (Also emptied the dog food container out at 2 in the morning the little rat)

The boy getting into trouble

The boy getting into trouble

In the evening we relaxed with Oppenheimer. You know a movie has great pacing when a three hour movies passes by and you still want more. What a great film. It raises many questions. Oppenheimer was depicted as a brilliant but troubled soul. Better us then them. My country right or wrong? You'll be saving American lives. You didn't decide to drop the bomb. I did... The government side was really interesting. How they build you up, use you, then tear you down...The justification for killing so many Japanese to prevent more death is debatable. I mean we are talking about thousands of deaths. Was Japan going to surrender? I don't know, they were governed by imperialist, fascists... they used people as bombs...Still, were the bombings really necessary? We will never know. (The U.S. was preparing to drop six more bombs within two months if Japan did not surrender) The winning side writes history, and they seem to think it was. It is interesting that almost immediate after, letting the nuclear djinni out of the bottle, Oppi wanted to talk to Russia about arms control. The film was tense all the time. The use of sound and quick edits was very impactful throughout the film. I love history and this is clearly an important story. โญโญโญโญโ…“

It was a great visit. We've seen practically no one this Christmas so it was nice to see my Mom. We should be going to the cottage tomorrow.

The new pixelboard at work!

The new pixelboard at work!

The Granato-less Sabres win in OT! It is such a rare occurrence...

Bdot found us a new Netflix series which appears promising. Spies. Governments agents. Drama. Intrigue. The Night Agent!

I survived my first solo trip to Fortinos. It is still a madhouse. Still not sure what I think of it. The staff is waaay better than Zehrs' staff was...

Canada looked like trash against Sweden. 2-0 going into the third... no shots 10m in?! Yikes. Clearly coaches had no plan for the Swedish Wall. Pretty disappointing. The Fins then beat them in a shootout... Weird group.

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