Starting 11
Despite the on-going saga of financial and moral abuse by Hockey Canada… the teams seem to be able to put the controversy on the back burner and play some great hockey. The boys took Gold in the 2022 Hlinka-Gretzky Cup. The Juniors start today and the expectations are just a high and the team is expected to also medal.
We are off the cottage at the end of the week. I’m really looking forward to having water access for a week in the Muskokas.
Somehow I got wrapped up into helping with dog training last night. We setup a ‘ratting’ enclosure. My gawd it was gross and humid. It was my first time at Brian’s parent’s property and it is massive. They have about 50 acres just outside of Bolton. The sight-line to the sky is incredible.
A bit disappointed to have discovered our Ubquiti APs have become isolated. So that means they are sitting there doing nothing. Basic restarts and wipes (forgets) so far have done nothing. I’m in contact with support but they have offered nothing meaningful so far. I’m at a loss as nothing was changed and now they can’t even grab an IP which seems super basic to me? *shrug*