...a place to bury thoughts

Greenish Christmas?

December 7, 2020 @ 06:12 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Christmas, Friends, Geeky

Lovely hike

Lovely hike

It has been a few weeks so I feel compelled to update.

I gained another year. Now on the cusp of *gasp* 50. I feel good so โ€“ I canโ€™t complain about the number. I took a few days off and the wife and I stayed a few nights at her sisterโ€™s cottage. It was a welcome break, especially, I think, for bdot who has been working from home for many months now. It was quiet there. The dogs seemed to enjoy it as well. We met up with her friend Sandy for an incredible hike to McCae Lake. (We probably would never have found this trail without Sandy steering us there). We also had a nice walk in Six Mile Lake. It was a busy little place for dog walkers. The park was closed but still full of activity. Strange that we have been going to the cottage for so many years yet never knew Six Mile was a good option for a walk.

I was very happy to get a new *gaming* monitor from bdot. It really is a remarkable screen. Apparently Iโ€™ve been missing quite a bit. The higher refresh rate really does make animation smoother and full RGB colour makes images really clear. Lovely.

We are watching the third season of the Queen. Episodes seem to bounce all over. Some better than others.

Christmas tree is up! Bdot find it underwhelming but I think it is charming.

All attempts to get a PS5 have been in vain. It seems like Iโ€™m waiting. *shrug* Not too jacked about it anyway. Still playing WoW Classic. Mage class is actually pretty fun once you understand things. I love that I can play this for free.

Had a snow day! Glorious. I spend most of the day doing Bruce Trail updates and being around for the plumber. The washing machine was leaking badly. All the hardware there (including the sink) were probably decades oldโ€ฆ So we decided just to replace everything and get a new metal sink. It makes a huge difference. We could use it for the dogs and it is dry as a bone now. Pretty happy about how that turned out.

Most of the snow that fell is gone. Will it be a green Christmas? Stay tuned sports fans.

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