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Bathroom going green

March 14, 2011 @ 10:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, hockey, home, Buffalo Sabres, nIVEK

B.’s busy week ended with her bosses taking her out to dinner Friday night. This meant I was free to join KK in Maple for a bevy or two. Sadly the pool hall that we would frequent closed, so… we are looking for a new place to haunt with a pool table and hockey on the TV. We started the evening at the impressive Astra Sportscomplex. I’ve never been in a multiarena facility so to see it was pretty impressive. There were four arenas and a sports bar. The arenas all had rec games going on, so we picked one and watched… Wow… we picked a good one. It was really chippy…Obviously I don’t know the history between these teams, but appeared to me they didn’t like each other. Well… a check at the boards turned into a scrum which turned into some players pairing off and pushing then the hot-head goalies skated into the fray and all hell broke loose. The goalie from one of the team dropped his gloves and was pounding on an opposing forward… The refs were frantic. Eventually they cleared the ice and cancelled the game. I wonder if deep down the players would have preferred to finish the game instead of watching their goalie pretend he was Rocky for 2m… Pretty dumb. It is rec hockey in Maple with >30 year olds. *eyeroll* That’s hockey. I guess.

After that we drove over to Wegz Sports bar. KK has passed by it a bunch of times but hadn’t went in. Wow… the parking lot was packed and so was the massive bar. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a sports bar like this before. It was a vast open area full of TVs, sports memorabilia and people. It had a sports news ticker that wrapped around ‘the entire bar’ *and*, most importantly, four pool tables! They were all occupied but we figure if we were there earlier we would have got one. Oddly they had a DJ playing videos but there was no dance floor, so the bar was really loud and it wasn’t sports. I guess they are targeting music for the mostly 20 somethings that filled the bar. I think we’ll try the bar again for pool at some point in the future. It was a fun evening with KK, it’s been awhile since I last saw him.

Saturday we drove down to the Weston/7 area for some shopping. We wanted to pick up some toilets because the ones we have are ‘crappy’ 🙂 in order to close our energy audit. Fortunately there was a good one on sale that was ‘Peel approved’ for low water usage. Hopefully we can get these installed this week! Also in the reno vein, B. finished painting the downstairs washroom… what a difference! It is a cheerful light green and it a world of difference from the ugly wallpaper that was there. Great job hon! I’m looking forward to getting these crappers installed… the toilets we presently have are horrible. They rarely seem to flush properly and they clog A LOT… which IS NOT good for a toilet, ever. Hopefully it is Toto to the rescue.

In the evening we had bdot’s brother over for a birthday dinner. We were suppose to go to bdot’s sisters but they have a house full of sick people so it was cancelled. bdot made her homemade burgers and we watched the Leafs/Sabres game. A disappointing result for me, but I guess I can let the birthday boy have the victory for one night as he is a Leafs’ fan.

Sunday was pretty lazy… Did a grocery run and some housework. In the evening our Internet died (it is still down Monday morning…) so we watched a movie we had dl’ed before. We had slim pickings and settled on watching The Mechanic. Jason Statham and Ben Foster are contract killers hired by some big brother organization. It was pretty standard drama-thriller flick with lots of cliches. I don’t mind Statham but it is isn’t more than three stars. ⭐⭐⭐ I watched a few more episodes of Spartacus over the weekend as well. It is actually quite compelling after a few episodes, with some unexpected plot turns. I’M SPARTACUS!

It is crazy, or is it sad?, how much I rely on the Internet… it died mid-way threw watching the Sabres/Sens game and I had no way of watching the end of the game. At the end of the game the Sabres held their sticks up and pointed to the 7 hanging in the rafters as tribute to Rick Martin. The Sabres’ great, and part of the French connection, Rick Martin suffered a heart attack which led to a car accident… he was only 59. Sad news for the Sabres community, it sounded like Rick was also a great guy beyond his hockey brilliance.

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