...a place to bury thoughts

Giving thanks

October 13, 2015 @ 10:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, Home, Marriage, Buffalo Sabres, Thanksgiving

The view from the hill at Horseshoe Valley

The view from the hill at Horseshoe Valley

Thanksgiving weekend was gorgeous. We spent part of the afternoon Saturday trimming the trees in the front yard. The intention is to reduce the ease of access to the roof from the rats that use it as a freeway. They pilled up pretty quickly. While braking a large branch in half it whacked me in the side of the head. It is still soar today. That felt pretty stupid. Thanksgiving dinner was planned for Sunday afternoon at my Sisterโ€™s. My mom drove up to our place for dinner Saturday. She has stayed over to watch the pets while weโ€™ve been away before. Finally we got her to stay a night while we were here. We gave her a few choices for dinner. She wisely opted for home made pizzas. Bdot is the queen of making her own sauce. The pizzas always go over well. In the evening we introduced Mom to Netflix. Iโ€™m not sure if she liked it or not but it was useful for bringing up one of her favourites Poirot and later the Good Wife. It was a cozy evening and we enjoyed her company.

Sunday morning bdot and her savored coffee in the hottub. After a yummy breakfast at the Bolton Diner we headed up to my sisterโ€™s. Sunday was also a beautiful, warm day. Why the hell did I wear jeans? After settling in โ€“ we ventured out for a Fall walk with the dogs. With my sisterโ€™s local knowledge we found a route with an impressive vista of Horseshoe Valley.

Another angle from the top

Another angle from the top

It was quite a hill to walk up. It is normally a ski hill. I think the trees need a bit more time. Next weekend should be ideal. But it was still pretty stunning as it was.

Not skiing today

Not skiing today

With some of the trees in the front trimmed due to Winter ice damageโ€ฆ some of the plant in our front garden are getting more Sun than usual. The Ninebark are responding with incredible colour.

The Ninebark in our front garden. Brilliant red.

The Ninebark in our front garden. Brilliant red.

The backyard landscaping continues. Update later if there is something tangible to report!

Sabres won their first game! Eichel scored an incredible goal with a generational effort. Wow. He is under twenty. Awesome.

After getting beat in Toronto both gamesโ€ฆ Jays fans were pretty despondent. But they replied with two wins in Texas! Winner takes all in game five in Toronto tomorrow. Phewโ€ฆโ€ฆ..

3 years together. :)

3 years together. :)

Happy third anniversary bdot. The past year has, without question, been the worst of my life. Thanks for standing by me.

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