...a place to bury thoughts

Freezing fail

January 21, 2019 @ 07:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

computers, geeky, Acer, Acer Chromebook 14, First Man, The Hate U Give

Not really much snow. But it is cold…

Not really much snow. But it is cold…

We finally got a bit of snow – not as much at the surrounding areas – and the temperatures are cold, at around -15 to -20. Last night, down to, feels like, -30.

I’ve used tech for a long time. I believe I’ve come to appreciate that all brands are created equally. There are brands I’ve had good experiences with (such as Dell and Lenovo) but occasionally, I’ll try a new brand. I’ve never liked Acer. I’ve always felt they were a B quality brand. So, I was reluctant when buying my Acer Chromebook 14 CB3-431. It has some great specs for sure, so I figured it was worth a look.

Well, I’ve had it for less than a month… today, after a reboot, the trackpad just stopped working. Okay, random, but probably fixable I thought. So I powerwashed it, still not working, did a full restore, still nothing… so, at this point, I figure it has to be failed hardware. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh… GAH. What a disappointment. I was using it for school – since it is so light… Oh well… Back to the Chromebook drawing board, I guess. I’ll know better next time. *frown*

We watched two good movies this weekend. The first was First Man, which was a personal look at the men who landed on the Moon. It was a bit slow to start, but ultimately interesting story. Those astronauts had stones. The impact on their lives (and family) must have been phenomenal. ⭐⭐⭐½ The second movie I was really unsure of. It rated well, so we gave it a shot. We both found The Hate U Give (THUG!) to be an excellent film. It was challenging to watch, thought-provocative and the young actors were impressive in their roles. It is a sad commentary on the reality for millions of Americans. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, Bdot and BBB went to the Spa in Collingwood. So, after class, I grabbed Chinese for dinner and relaxed with some gaming and Netflix and the Sabres. The Sabres stunk it up again. They can beat Calgary but lose to Edmonton and Vancouver. Sigh. …and the hope for playoffs continue to slip away. BBB spent the night and we had a fun chat before she ventured home.

Still no marks. LOL!!!

My ex’s Mom passed away. I liked her – she was a straight shooter. Despite the horrific family my ex has, I feel compelled to pay my respects. That will be Wednesday.

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