...a place to bury thoughts

Falling for food

January 30, 2011 @ 11:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, music, Buffalo Sabres, Winter, Palgrave

Let’s go! … After I get off the ground…*grumble*

Let’s go! … After I get off the ground…*grumble*

Another week in the books. It was a long week at work. I was busy most of the week with Office 2010 upgrades which went surprisingly smoothly. It certainly is about time we upgraded. Now for Windows 7… Friday night KK came over for a visit. I was introduced to his cool Sony e-Reader then we descended into the Den. Yes we had fun playing around with the Yamaha Drums… Sure they will never replace the sound of live acoustic drums… but for playing around and sheer fun factor, I think there is no comparison. I think we messed around with kits and settings for hours. It was a lot of fun. We also had a few beer and watched the All-Star draft. Yes the Leaf was picked last, but at least there was a leaf. *eyeroll*

Saturday was slow moving but we did get out to ski. Not sure what the issue was but I was a mess on skis yesterday. Skiing does require a high level of focus, and I didn’t have it. I lost count of how many wipe-outs I had… I think we did about 6km. Palgrave forest is still beautiful, regardless if I can ski or not. We were pretty bagged after skiing and wanted to get Thai. Sadly it was closed. (Who closes a restaurant on a Saturday? I assume there was a family emergency) The second option wasn’t as clear… Once you starting thinking Thai… First thought was Sushi, then we thought maybe Wild Wings… we settled on trying a new Mexican take-out restaurant called Ayy Chihuahua. They regrettably don’t appear to have a website to link to. *eyeroll* It is in the old Caruso’s location. The inside is pretty much the same as when it was Caruso’s. It appeared to be a family run business. Regardless for optics, you shouldn’t have family wandering around the food areas in street clothes. It seems unprofessional to me. I tried a Chicken Burrito. It was good… someone under cooked however, not the chicken but the cheese… It wasn’t even melted. I’d probably try something else there as the ingredients did seem fresh and flavourful.

Today B. is trying to get the downstairs washroom in shape for a plumber to install toilets this week. She is busy ripping down the horrible wallpaper. Good fracking bye! We are deciding between a light ‘limesicle’ green and a light mauve to paint in there. The colour will be something light as the room is otherwise pretty dark. It will be nice to get that crapper back online.


Sunday was housework most of the morning. In the afternoon we decided it would be good to get some fresh air. We drove to Palgrave and took advantage of the pond skating. Once again the skates were murderous on my feet, the left in particular. I took out the skate liner and the skates were much more comfortable. B. had a conversation with the man who has maintained the skating area for close to a decade… and he said it has become too much work for him and this may be the last year for it. Hopefully the town steps in and does something… it seems like a rare community gem to me.

After skating we took the dog for a short run through Palgrave forest. It was amusing to run across a couple that was cross country skiing with their dogs. We did the weekly grocery shop after the walk and settled in for a relaxing evening.

WOO! UNofficial announcement that Pegula will buy the Sabres on Thursday!

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