...a place to bury thoughts

Flesh and Forests

September 21, 2015 @ 10:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Friends, hiking, music, Godflesh, Opera House, Spirit Tree Cidery, Trimble Side Trail

Couldnโ€™t be farther apart. ๐Ÿ˜›

Couldnโ€™t be farther apart. ๐Ÿ˜›

It was a busy weekend! Saturday I met up with Raj and Nivek to see Godflesh at the Opera House in downtown Toronto. It is curious that Iโ€™ve known Nivek for over two decades and with both love music and yet this was the first concert we ever went to together. Hmmpt. It was a lovely night. For the first time I used a purely digital concert ticket. The door staff scanned my phone (and a QR code). I thought that was pretty cool. A part of me misses having a stub as a keepsake however. Iโ€™m sure it has been many years since I was last at the Opera House. It seemed smaller to me. We all chatted about various geeky things before the show started. The opening act was Prurient. None of us were that familiar with the opener. Prurient was a one man act. He played experimental electronic noise. The songs often seemed like long droning walls of noise. It was pretty hard to get into. I liked moments of songs but they were pretty abstract and formless. He had incredible energy and clearly knew how to create music on the go. I just felt the ideas and concepts needed more meat on the bone and some sort of direction.

Black and Blue sonic battering.

Black and Blue sonic battering.

People were there to see Godlfesh. The venue wasnโ€™t packed which I thought was a little disappointing. The crowd also didnโ€™t really do much all night. No pit. Not really much dancing. *shrug* That isnโ€™t to say the crowd didnโ€™t love Godflesh. The performance was just Justin Broadrick and G.C. Green on stage. No live drummer. The backdrop was a big screen with random gruesome images. I thought the sound was a little muddy. I not sure why. It didnโ€™t seem very crisp. Sure it was loud and punishing as you might expect from Godflesh but something was balanced correctly. It wasnโ€™t really bad and didnโ€™t detract much but it was noticeable. They played a ton of material off A World Lit Only by Fire. I thought Justin and G.C. seemed really, almost awkwardly indifferent toward each other. Nivek and Raj disagreed. There was almost no interaction from Justin with the crowd in between songs. He would do a dramatic little bow, adjust his pedals then begin playing again. I did enjoy the show. Godflesh create such amazing grooves and seeing Justin handbang and rock out was pretty awesome to see.

More stairs.

More stairs.

MikeMike generously offered me a ticket to Riotfest on Sunday. But I got in from Godflesh around 2AM and awoke with a handache โ€“ so I really didnโ€™t feel like heading back downtown. Instead I took some advil. After a few hours I did feel better. It was gorgeous outside and felt some air may further clear my head. It did. We had a lovely walk in Belfountain on the Trimble Trail. It was quite a hike. It felt like it was up both ways. It ended at the lovely Belfountain Conservation Area. The Conservation had a nice waterfall and plenty of picnic tables and spaces to explore. Weโ€™ll return with a picnic packed next time we come. After all that walking we were starving marvins. We stopped in for delicious Apple Bacon pizza slices at Spirit Tree Cidery. Yum! It was a great day with bdot.

Jays are still humming along. Looking for first in the Majors. NYY still hot on their tail. Should be an exciting finish.

Bills still canโ€™t beat the Pats. I think they beat themselves as much a Br*dy beat them. *shrug*

Sabres pre-season starts tonight!

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