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A very beachy day

September 7, 2015 @ 10:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, pets, politics, Toronto FC, Allenwood Beach, bdot, Harper, Ontario, remi, Summer

Allenwood Beach near Wasaga, ON

Allenwood Beach near Wasaga, ON

We decided to take advantage of the ridiculously high temperatures (between 35 and 40) in Ontario and the Labour Day holiday. After making some preparation we ventured up to the Wagasa Beach area on Georgian Bay. We bought ourselves a good sized shade shelter which made it possible to enjoy the heat without getting crisp. The drive was about 90m. We even lucked into a parking spot. A day pass for the beach was $14. It seemed reasonable as we spent the entire afternoon in the Sun. The beach was scorching hot which made the cool water of the bay really refreshing. We alternated between hiding under the shade shelter and cooling off in the water. The water was pretty amazing. Clear, mostly clean. The waves created curious patterns with the sand.

Patterns in the sand

Patterns in the sand

We found a pretty quiet section of the beach. Allenwood in general is much quieter than Wasaga Beach. That said it was still very busy with many people having the same idea.

Seeking Sun

Seeking Sun

It was a beautiful day.



Had a nice visit with KK Saturday night. We watched TFC v. Sounders. The absence of the Atomic Ant is really noticeable. The Reds didnโ€™t generate many chances. We were surprised they got one goal. Oh well, another road loss. Pretty sure KK has an addiction to PC Maple Bacon chips. Canโ€™t blame him.

Remicat had another seizure last night. They are awful to witness. She was a twisted sorry mess. She slept most of today โ€“ does seem better.

We took advantage of a 40% off sale on charcoal BBQs at Home Depot to get ourselves a Napolean BBQ. Our natural gas BBQ has been dead for a wle so this was a much needed acquisition. We christened it tonight with steaks!

500 degrees! Hot stuff.

500 degrees! Hot stuff.

The Canada Federal election is looming in the not to distant future. Iโ€™ve watched for nearly a decade Stephen Harper erode what it means to be Canadian. Stop Harper? You bet. I donโ€™t care who you vote for but this egotistical dictator needs to go. A list of some the Cons appalling record while in office:

1. Electoral fraud in 2011 and involved in irregular elections in both 2006 and 2008
2. Contempt of parliament
3. Multiple prorogations of parliament to avoid confidence motions
4. More than 150 billion dollars of debt
5. Eight straight deficits
6. C-51.
7. Cut 36 billion from health care
8. Northern Gateway approved despite an ongoing court case with First Nations and an illegitimate environmental review.
9. Anti-democratic omnibus โ€œbudgetโ€ bills (such as C-38 and C-45) that were more meant to gut environmental legislation than take care of financial matters.
10. The โ€œFair Elections Actโ€ which makes it harder for traditional non-Harper voters to cast ballots.
11. Bill C-24, which created two-tiered citizenship for Canadians
12. Sabotaged international climate negotiations and failed to meaningfully reduce Canadaโ€™s emissions
13. Clandestine trade deals such as FIPA with China, and CETA with Europe
14. Attacked the CBC and stacked its board with Conservative donors
15. Went after a disproportionate number of environmental and social justice charities
16. Gagged and fired government scientists in the area of climate science
17. The Senate scandal(Duffy, Meredith, Brazeau and others)
18. Handling of the F-35 situation
19. Eliminated the long form census
20. Spent more than 750 million dollars on advocacy advertising for such things as โ€œCanadaโ€™s Economic Action Planโ€, including promoting legislation not yet passed in parliament
21. Ongoing sales of arms to the Saudis, one of the most repressive regimes in the world
22. Cancelled the Kelowna Accord and has shown complete contempt for working with our Native People.
23. Continued to slash foreign aid and merged the Canadian International Development Agency with the Department of Foreign Affairs.
24. Sold the Canadian Wheat Board to the Saudis
25. Increased spending on prisons despite a forty year low in crime.
26. Closed down Veterans offices
27. War with ISIS.
28. Withdrew from virtually every international treaty we were part of
29. Lost out on a seat on the UN Security Council
30. Spent a billion dollars on the G8/G20 summit.
31. Unconditional support for Israel and possible hate crime charges for criticizing Israeli foreign policy
32. Refused to participate in nationally televised leaders debates.
33. Removed the per-vote subsidy to stack elections odds in Conservatives favour.
34. Shut down debate in parliament more than a hundred times
35. Closed coast guard stations
36. Ended Canada Post delivery in urban areas.
37. The Omar Khadr situation
38. Weakened pesticide regulations
39. Fired Linda Keen for reporting an unsafe nuclear reactor
40. Refused to sign the UN declaration on water being a human right, and UN declaration on rights of indigenous people.
41. Reneged on promise to stop billions in oil subsidies
42. The only country who withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol
43. Elimination of the long gun registry, and retroactively rewrote gun registry to avoid RCMP charges
44. Broke the Atlantic Accord
45. Passed C-36, a law that will likely put women involved in the sex trade at greater risk.
46. Cancelled the home energy retrofit program.
47. Income splitting implemented, despite only helping 15% of the population.
48. Cutbacks to food inspection services.
49. Dean Del Mastro, Bruce Carson, Bev Oda, Chuck Cadman, Arthur Porter
50. Repeatedly being in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and fighting with Supreme Court

Iโ€™m not saying it isnโ€™t easier to point at the incumbentโ€™s record to find errorโ€ฆ. but wowโ€ฆ that listโ€ฆ time to end The Government of Stephen Harper.

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