...a place to bury thoughts

Falling for a new government

October 21, 2019 @ 05:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Canada, politics

Lovely walk in Albion Hills

Lovely walk in Albion Hills

It seems my desire to update the blog has diminished after returning to work. (Also since the day to day is pretty stale now) That said, I’ll still try to update periodically, there is, of course, stuff going on…

We bought a car! It has been close to a decade since we bought the Impreza. It has a list of issues and the option to sink a bunch of money into it or replace it became a fairly easy decision. It has been a process. Test drives, salesmen, saleswomen, spreadsheets, videos, reviews, more reviews… we ended up with a 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe in Earthen Bronze. We are hoping it will arrive this week. It amazes me the tech jump in ten years. The ‘display screen’ is standard, numerous sensory safety features and standard, heated seats are even standard… It will primarily be driven by bdot but it will also be our primarily activity vehicle. It has a ton of space. Looking forward to the adventures it will enable us to have.

Last weekend we ventured up to my Sister’s place for Thanksgiving dinner. Once again, we got burned by using convection on a turkey. It was a little late, but very delicious. We have decided that Beechwood donuts are best fresh so we will seek other dessert options in the future. It was a fun day. It has been a long time since we last got together.

Who governs next?

Who governs next?

The Canadian Federal election is tonight. Last I checked the Liberals held a very slim polling advantage. Whatever the government will be, it appears it will be a minority. This suits me fine. I’ve found Trudeau to be a bit disappointing and has not earned another Majority IMHO. That said, Scheer would be even worse so… Bah… Slim pickings for Canada. We’ll find out what happens tonight. Shame Singh is NDP, he seemed the most straight-forward of the leaders, and had little spin or BS in the debates. All the others wanted to do was finger point and fearmonger.

Ball hockey is back! It has only been a week but it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we didn’t get the numbers we wanted for the league and there has already been some issues retaining those that showed up – so… there may be a format change.

I’ve enjoyed some lovely Fall walks with the wife lately.

We are working our way through Money Heist and started Unbelievable.

2019 Federal Election Results

2019 Federal Election Results

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