...a place to bury thoughts

Why one needs dual monitors.

November 29, 2022 @ 10:11 pm πŸ”— Post Link

Gaming, Buffalo Sabres, World Cup 2022, Soccer, Steam, Photopea, Zelda: Breath of the Wild

No goal

No goal

FIFA going to play games simultaneously? Well, dual (actually I have three 😁) monitors to the rescue! It actually worked pretty well. The results were pretty much as expected too with England and the US advancing to the round of 16.

Brutal loss for the Sabres last night. Up 5-3 in the third at home to the Lightning and ultimately lose in OT. UGH. It was a big, what could have been game, but instead another typical Sabres disaster. SIGH. There is a lot of fat on the roster that still needs to be trimmed. Not sure what KA is doing sitting on all that cap space? I don’t blame 6K either, the Sabres are a shambles defensively, and it is horrific on the PK. Meh.

The Russian Dude claims that R*ssia has made 16,000 attacks on the Ukrainian territory. **97%** were against civilian infrastructure. So much for liberating the Ukrainians from the β€˜N*zi” threat. *eyeroll* R*ssia seems okay sending more and more infantry to the front lines to die.

Wow, nice lighting!

Wow, nice lighting!

Steam Autumn Sale! Picked up Red Dead Redemption II. It was the first time it was discounted at close to 70% off! I’ve only just started it, but it seems really impressive.

Speaking of great-looking games…. I got my Switch Emulator on my Steamdeck functional. So that means I’m going to return to Zelda land.

zelda breath of the wild is a beautiful world

zelda breath of the wild is a beautiful world

If you need to do some graphic editing, there is a free online app called Photopea. It is incredible. Very Photoshop like but browser based.

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