...a place to bury thoughts

Dreary day

March 5, 2011 @ 11:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

home, politics, sabres, weather, Buffalo Sabres, The Town, Gaddafi

The Sabres played a rare afternoon game this afternoon in Filthy. It was a big game…with the Sabres still fighting to reach the final playoff position. They got two points closer with a gutsy effort in a 5-3 win. The Sabres now sit one point out of eighth! Tomorrow they can reach 8th with a win or tie in Minnesota. Even with the win against the Flyer, *if* the Sabres do get in I hope they reach seventh… I have no interest in a playoff series against the Flyers.

It rained most of the day… as it got colder in the evening the rain turned into freezing rain… then snow…it is now actually accumulating.

We did a bunch of household stuff as well today… vacuuming, groceries, B. finished prepping the downstairs washroom for painting. In the evening we ordered Thai and watched The Town. The Town was about an area in Boston that has the dubious distinction of having raised the most bank robbers per-capita in the world. Ben Affleck starred and directed the film. The movie was pretty solid highlighted by a good story and interesting characters. ⭐⭐⭐½

I watched a bit of a documentary on Gaddafi as well. He certainly has led an interesting career in Libya… A terrorist, a dictator, friend of America, enemy of America… and now his ’empire’ appears to be closing in on him. Libyans have had enough of his rule…Curious indeed. Unrelated…gas prices are rising…

Bob Rae had a moving speech in the House of Commons about the passing of experienced Star reporter James Traves.

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