...a place to bury thoughts

Dogs from Away

January 14, 2019 @ 09:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Come From Away, Humber, Humber College

Come From Away’s stage

Come From Away’s stage

A few weeks back, we told my Mom to Toronto to see Come From Away. Admittedly, my expectations were rather low. I mean, I couldn’t figure how they could make an entire play around stranded visitors during the 9/11 bombing, but they did. They made the story about more than just that day. They created an inclusive, funny and very illuminating, and very touching story. It showed Canada, and the Rock in very good light. It made me proud that Canadian rose to the challenge on such a troubling day. The many plots were great, the music was fun and invigorating and it was a enjoyable afternoon with my two favourite women.

School is back in the swing… haha, and I’m STILL waiting for marks. Unreal, that’s all I can say. The second term is going to be interesting. The two lesser profs are gone. I have one new prof. I’m not sure what to think of her. She swears like a trucker and pisses on every technology she doesn’t like. WordPress is shit! (He ponders as he types in WordPress…Hmmmpt)

This week classes will really begin – since I had an in-class presentation my first day back. It went really well I think… again, waiting on marks. Huh, the prof told me many students actually failed a bunch of courses and some didn’t show for their final presentation (which essentially would guarantee you fail…) I couldn’t imagine wasting all your time and money to no show a final? *mind boggling*

So we have begun looking into getting another dog. Yesterday, we met with our breeder and the potential owner of our Mommy dog. She was a pretty typical Vizsla. A good looking female, happy disposition and really loved her owner. If all goes well we could have a puppy in early Spring.

After such a great start – the Sabres are now floundering along. Winning one, losing one, and have now falling out of a playoff for the first time in weeks (maybe months)… Sigh.

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