...a place to bury thoughts


September 10, 2018 @ 07:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, computers, Family, geeky, politics, Humber College

J118. Where I’m ALL the time…Yes, I’ll get some better photos of the room and campus.

J118. Where I’m ALL the time…Yes, I’ll get some better photos of the room and campus.

Well, my first week back to college is in the books. It was both interesting, inspiring and stressful. The stress was mainly dealing with the many unknowns. Parking, traffic, taking the bus, fellow students. teachers… etc… The parking and bus were fine. There is tons of space in “E” lot and the bus comes every 15m, dropping us off in front of the main building. That seems to work out fine. To clear my head at the end of the day I like to walk back. I’ve tried a few routes and walking along HWY 27 seems to be the most efficient route. My classmates (all WAY younger – of course) have been welcoming and intelligent. Where Sheridan was really WASPy, Humber is very multicultural. Curiously so… The Profs were all very good. I really like the coding prof and the design prof, wow, he was like an ADD kid on cocaine. I expect I’ll learn a lot from them – they all seem to have excellent experience in the field. So far it has been mainly recapping what I know, but being taught it formally, there are little pieces here and there that are new to me. I’m looking forward to the rest of the program.



Yesterday, we drove up to Barrie then my sister’s to watch their dog for the afternoon. We took advantage of the time to run some errands in Barrie and to get a Mountain bike ride in. We biked in a new area recommended by my BiL. It was just a few minutes from their home. We biked the “black” and “red” Hutchison-Brown trail. I found it quite challenging, it was very narrow, really rooty and it was easy to get unseated. Still, any ride is good exercise. My calf muscle is killing me today.

My new buddy!

My new buddy!

Once back at my sister’s, we were mobbed by her three cats. The biggest beast seems starved for attention and followed me all over the house. Her dog is getting old and was pretty chilled out most of the afternoon.

I’m using my Gallium OS converted Chromebook for class notes. It is the lightest and has the best battery life. It is working out pretty good so far. I WISH IT HAD BACK LIGHTING! GRR.

In Ontario Politics, a judge shut down Ford idiot, revenge move to reduce Toronto councillors. He doubled down on his stupidity today and threatened to use the not-withstanding clause. Gawd, what a buffoon.

BRR. We turned the heat on for the first time today. (And yet by the weekend it is suppose to be 30C again. *eyeroll*)

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