...a place to bury thoughts

Decked out

September 18, 2022 @ 08:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

Gaming, Geeky, Ubiquiti, Steamdeck, Toronto FC, Mystic, Dog Titles

! got deck?

got deck?

The looong wait is over. My Steamdeck has arrived. It is a portable gaming computer running Linux. The UI (in Game mode) is sleek and simple to use. That said, I’ll probably be using Desktop mode most of the time. Why have just a console when I can have another computer? So far, I’m quite impressed. For me, a dock is essential. Being able to connect a mouse, keyboard and to a bigger screen is awesome and way more productive. (Thanks for the early birthday gift bdot!) The official steam dock seems a ways off, unfortunately. But the JSAUX 6-in-1 dock has been exactly what I needed – with a network connection. It transforms the Steamdeck into a PC where, I think it really shines. Yes, I obviously get the majority of my (massive) steam Library to play… but wow, the doors opened through emulation can’t be overlooked! I’m really impressed with Yuzu and seeing a lot of the Nintendo library. Breath of the Wild is pretty glorious and a beautiful world in this RPGers opinion (and clearly lots of other gamers too.)



So – so far so good. I haven’t really run into any serious issues at all. Even the notorious CIV VI plays. (It booted up, I’ve yet to test a longer play through). The potential of the device is what is really exciting. Really happy with it so far!

So, our Ubquiti Access Points that had all the issues… well, it looks like it was indeed hardware failure. BOTH APs were replaced by Ubquiti. The replacements have been up and functioning as expected now for over 48h so I think we finally have a winner. I still think support was sloppy and ineffective but really in retrospect, there isn’t anything they could have done if it was actually hardware failure. Regardless, they were slow to respond and slow to offer any meaningful solutions. It was really my frustration that resolved the issue. *eyeroll*

Hey. Rats. Dog.

Hey. Rats. Dog.

Wow. Mystic really cleaned up!

Wow. Mystic really cleaned up!

Bdot was away at dog trials all weekend. Poopers got one of her titles (Barn Hunt Novice title – RATN)! (I’m looking forward to RATM! &129304; The dog crew came over for a visit last night. There were a lot of dogs here and they were pretty bitchy at times. Especially our bundle of joy.

What a disappointing fizzle to TFCs season… like just give up? Pathetic and embarrassing.


The Queen’s funeral was today. She deserves the glorious spectacle. There will never be another like her.

God save the Queen, We mean it man...

God save the Queen, We mean it man...

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