...a place to bury thoughts

Lazy Daze

August 16, 2009 @ 03:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

food, friends, vacation, Round Lake



The last few days have blurred together. The Summer sun has finally arrived with midday temperatures reaching in the 30s. Phew. Hot. I like warm. I donโ€™t like hot. I especially donโ€™t like humid, stifling, canโ€™t breath or move hot; and that is getting close to what it is here. *shrug* Still. It beats rains and helps enforce a sedentary relaxing vacation. In the past few days weโ€™ve went into Barryโ€™s Bay once; which killed most of the afternoon. I dealt with some work related stuff, we had lunch, a little shopping. We visited B.โ€™s parents in Killaloe. B. gave her Dad an iPod Nano so weโ€™ll have to return sometime to teach him how to use iTunes. He is pretty computer savvy for a โ€˜Dadโ€™. Last night her long-time friend Trish had a party, so we drove out to Wilno to visit. It was a relaxed low-key affair. A few people having a few drinks around a fire providing food for the relentless mosquitoes.

Trish and her boyfriend Finn just added onto their โ€˜cabinโ€™ another 400 square feet. It is a striking addition, wood flooring, see-through glass bricks and a new kitchen area. Their place was a small little cabin before. Everything was in one room. Now it seems more like a home. There is space now. Space to relax and live. We brought our bikes up and finally used them yesterday. Biking in 30 degree heat is stupid. Biking in 30c heat up and down hills is very stupid. After one rather long uphill section I felt like I was going to collapse. Gah. We ended up only biking around 12KM. It was enough. Iโ€™d like to bike again, but in cooler, flatter conditions. B. determined the problem with my laptopโ€™s power flickering on and off isnโ€™t the battery but the power cord. Bloody thing. If you hold it in โ€˜the right positionโ€™ it stay on, otherwise it flicks off to battery. It is a constant battle. The slightest nudge and it is off. Sigh. Very annoying. We are about to return to Barryโ€™s Bay for more groceries. B.โ€™s friend Bonnie and her kids are dropping by for the day. It looks like another hot sunny day on the Lake.

Weโ€™ve been eating very well. The highlight so far has to be the Channa Masala. Delicious and spicy. It was rated โ€˜mediumโ€™ spicy. Gawd. Iโ€™d hate to taste โ€˜hotโ€™. My beverage of choice has been Rum. Mmmm Rum.

Regrettably my vacation will be cut early as I have an appointment next Wednesday relating to the job Iโ€™m starting on the 24th. There is some paper-work to be done. I would have liked a few more days at the Lake. There never seems to be enough time to truly relax.

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