...a place to bury thoughts

A day off?

March 22, 2008 @ 07:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Xbox Gaming, Brian and Marnie, The Bank Job

Day off.

Day off.

Wowโ€ฆ finally a day off. Yes I slept in Friday, this morning as well. Sleep is *gooood*. We sorted through a ton of clothes we donated to the Diabetes Society yesterday. Three garbage bags full. B. has lost a ton of weightโ€ฆ It is remarkable to see her try on old clothes to see it fall off of her or hang baggy and loose. It also means getting rid of a ton of clothes that is several sizes too big now. She has certainly earned some shopping time this spring!

In the afternoon we met up with Marnie and Brian for a dog run. Tanga is coming out of season and was harassed by their male dogs all afternoon. It got really tiresome to hear her yelp and bark and growlโ€ฆ over and over and overโ€ฆ I certainly understand where the euphemism dog comes from. Anyway, we had a quick bite at Mr.Greek Jr, which was pretty decent then went over to Silvercity to catch a movie. Silvercity was a zoo. Most of the automated ticket computer were down so there were huge line-ups to get tickets. We finally did get tickets and they were printed for the later showing of the movieโ€ฆ but we got in anyway. We sat down and the โ€˜feature presentationโ€™ started! Good timing for a change. We decided on seeing The Bank Job. It was based on a true story of a bank robbery in the early 70โ€™s in Britain. The movie was entertaining and moved along pretty well. I like Jason Statham and he was the typical tough guy in this film. Iโ€™m interested to look up some of the history surrounding the film it seems interesting. โญโญโญยฝ

This morning I finished Mass Effect, the Bioware Sci-fi 360 game. It was pretty decent. I found it to be a story driven shooter more than an RPG as they claim it to be. The cutscenes were very well done and there is a lot to the game. I may try it again with another character, I didnโ€™t finish all the missions so they is some replay there for me.

Brutal loss last night for the Sabres. Sigh.

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