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Cottages and Kayaks

August 4, 2018 @ 08:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Biking, Humber College, SUP

Water meeting

Water meeting

Bdot has had some time off, so we were lucky enough to score a few days alone at her sister’s cottage. Bdot has been on a quest for a StandUp Paddleboard (SUP) for a few weeks now. She had a line on a Blu Wave SUP (The Catalina 11.4) but wanted to test paddle a few other SUPs first to compare. She was able to do so at Swift which had a ton of boards and a great area to test paddle. She tried a bunch out and was impressed with the Blu Wave Woody but ultimately settled on the great deal that was available for the Catalina. She was a natural on the SUP. I was okay. While I was able to get up and keep my balance, I found the constant need to shift and adjust on a SUP, over a long period of time, took away from the enjoyment. So while at the cottage, she enjoyed her SUP and I enjoyed her sister’s Rec kayak. We got out for a few paddles. The area around the cottage is ripe for exploration, with little islands, bays and curious cottages everywhere. It was a relaxing few days there.

We’ve transported a lot of outdoor/rec equipment on the car… but the straps we have for SUP caused us a lot of consternation while it was strapped onto the roof. We aren’t used to things shifting and vibrating on the roof – so we stopped a bunch of times to check it. It really is secure, and it is intended to shift a bit since the board sits on foam… but it is difficult to turn your worrying brain. We’ve got another way to secure the SUP which we will test out tomorrow…

Always important to be in the right gear

Always important to be in the right gear

Earlier in the week, we enjoyed a killer ride in Albion Hills. We became acquainted with some of the park’s wonderful single track trails: Gnarly Berms, BMBC Twister and Woo Wu. Mountain biking is super fun and super exhausting.

Tomorrow we are off to Apsley for a week. We have rented a cottage with BBB and family. We are hoping for decent weather and a fun week.

Got bog?

Got bog?

Today we hiked some Bruce Trail near Terra Cotta. It was a bit buggy, but a lovely area. Wolf Lake is really just Wolf Bog. *snort* We have certainly had a pretty active week.

Also picked out a new pair of glasses after extensive consultation with bdot. Of course, it was the one frame not available anywhere…

I’ve decided to return to school to update my web development skills. Returning to school isn’t my first choice, but, it certainly seems necessary. I’ve applied to the Web Design and Development program at Humber. I thought about returning to Sheridan, which I really enjoyed, but it is sooooooooo far…. The application is in the queue. I’m not sure how long it will take to hear back.

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