...a place to bury thoughts

Epic Choke

October 9, 2022 @ 06:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

Ball Hockey, Toronto Blue Jays

Jays flag

Jays flag

Yikes… what a disaster the Jays were. After getting completely owned in the first game by the Mariner’s pitcher, it was win or elimination in the second. The Jays gave fans hope building (what seemed to be) a massive 8-1 lead. But no friends. A 7 run lead was not enough. Not enough for a city whose teams perennially can’t get out of the first round. Yes, they were a routine pop-fly away from a probable win but instead nearly took out two players. Just a bit of communication here and maybe it’s a different story. Jays lose 10-9. It must be a record to lose a playoff game after being up 7 runs. I mean, wow….


Ball hockey is back! Yup, we played our first game last night. It was the traditional ‘sticks-in’ game. We had a lot of new faces. I sure hope we can get some of the new talent on our team. My legs are sore today for sure, but… I think they were worse after the first game last season. Hmm, maybe I should wait until after the first real game…

Sister sold her house. Now the fun? part… finding their new home. I’ve been shown some pretty nice places in Kamloops.

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