...a place to bury thoughts

Chocolate finality

August 19, 2012 @ 05:08 pm 🔗 Post Link


Innis Lake

Innis Lake

It was an odd sort of weekend. Friday night I ventured over to KK’s new place in Vaughan. (For shits and giggles I went the route the GPS suggested… Gah, it took me through the main street of Kleinburg (Which has several speed bumps and stop signs…it ended up adding maybe 10m… Sometimes it is right. Sometimes it is wrong.) He’s been moved in for a few weeks now and his place looks great. He even managed to setup a cool sitting area surrounded by bookshelves. It is a very library, nerdy, relaxing sitting area. It can also be used to drink beer and watch hockey we postulated. Assuming there will be hockey to watch. Which is looking doubtful at the moment…

We went over to Vaughan Mills (which is a mere 5m away!) to the only place we know of with pool tables, Lucky Strike. Yes, it is primarily for bowling but it is also a massive bar as well. And I thought it was remarkably dead for a Friday night. We played pool for several hours and there were two other tables that didn’t get used during that whole time. With a remarkable display of pool excellence I defeated KK 5 games to 4. (Okay, okay… so he had a few -technical- losses… but a win is a win right? -smirk- ) As we were leaving VM I noticed signs for -premium- parking spots for e-cars, I thought this was curious, perhaps a nice little incentive? It was an enjoyable evening.

Saturday I awoke with a nasty headache. It felt like I slept on an iron pipe. Gah. (Thanks to my ‘Fancy Chou’ for showing me some kindness.) Drugs, silence and two hours later we drove up to Orangeville (seems I can cut and paste this from previous weekends) to finalize the chocolates for the wedding. It seems the chocolate idea should come together nicely and deliciously with a dark chocolate, a milk chocolate and a truffle. Yum. We also picked up our Special Events Permit which was probably sitting at the LCBO for a week. Thanks for the call. eyeroll So we can finally start buying booze for the wedding. Well, wine at least…We also stopped in to the wedding florist to set a date to review the centrepieces. The floral designer seems excited and has a few interesting ideas. I’m looking forward to see what he comes up with within our parametres. Hmm.

Sunday bdot’s friend BBB came over. They were off to do some shopping, then go to an over night party to be followed by a day the spa Monday. The Life of Riley. So I was left to deal with animals and groceries. It was quite a nice afternoon so I thought I’d look for a new place to hike the dog. It was a tiring hike. I regretted not getting the groceries first.

It is feeling like summer is over. The evening’s darkness comes sooner and the nights are much cooler now. Fall already?

Pussy Riot editorial cartoon

Pussy Riot editorial cartoon

And this editorial cartoon re: Pussy Riot sure seems to be spot on.

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