...a place to bury thoughts

Friends, family and a callback

July 15, 2019 @ 05:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Friends, Harry Brown

Storm incoming

Storm incoming

We had a few days away, heading North to Madawaska Valley to visit bdot’s friends and family. The first stop was at her parent’s “just in time for dinner” on Thursday night. On the way up we stopped at a Chip Truck. It is remarkable how many variations of poutine I’ve had. Some bad, some good. We had decent poutine… there was too much gravy and some of the chips were soggy, but there were real curds. We had a nice visit with bdot’s parents and enjoyed some decent meals. We watched Harry Brown with them, which was pretty good. Nasty at times, but well shot and Caine is typically on point. ⭐⭐⭐

We went out to Round Lake twice and visited both of bdot’s Aunts and several of her cousins. The visits were a bit short since we were also trying to visit bdot’s friends in the area. It was great for what it was, and we spent some quality time with her recently widowed Aunt.

We shifted gears for a night at her friend Jessica’s. Her house sits on the shore near Trout Lake in Barry’s Bay. Bonnie also joined us. It was a fun night for sure. We had a little paddle, enjoyed a raclette dinner, sauna and her renoed home.

The dusk sky

The dusk sky

New friend. Orange cat.

New friend. Orange cat.

And just to reiterate, 45 is still a blight on humanity. How many more days is he in?

Meeting a potential employer again on Wednesday. We’ll see what happens.

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