...a place to bury thoughts

Busy Weekend

July 25, 2011 @ 06:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, health, work

Magically created meat

Magically created meat

It has been a few days since I got stitched up in Orangeville. I found it odd that only one co-worker said anythingโ€ฆ the first day it was pretty apparent. *shrug* Now it is hard to noticeโ€ฆ the mustache conceals it well. Down the road Iโ€™ll have to shave the stash off to see how noticeable the scar is. Ho-hum.

The work week was quiet. The office has been half full most days โ€“ with people away on holiday or off for the summer. Bdot and I have a short work week as our holidays start this Friday! The first weekend off we are going to the Finger Lakes region of NY state. It looks like a great region, Iโ€™ll looking forward to this couple day adventure. My parents have graciously accepted watching the house and herd for the first weekend. The rest of the time weโ€™ll be at Round Lake, weโ€™ve got a Vet Tech coming by to care for the cats. We had her over today, she seems really nice and competent. We are glad that is settled, we were having trouble finding someoneโ€ฆ Phew.

Yesterday we had a family gathering at my sisterโ€™s. The drive up the 400 was typically appalling. Itโ€™s a shame the drive up sucks so much, it is a nice area where my sister lives. The drive is certainly a deterrent to visiting more. Once there we drove into Orillia to pick up some dessert. I hit the usually Mariposa bakery, but Iโ€™m finding it a little disappointing lately. There was another in town and they said there would be open until 6, I was there 10 to, and the door was locked. Bah. So we only came away with some cookies. That didnโ€™t deter dinner from being excellent. As usual Chef JP made some BBQ magic. He tried a special tenderizing marinadeโ€ฆ and WOW the beef was like butterโ€ฆ One of the nicest, tender tasting steaks Iโ€™ve had. (Iโ€™ll post the photo of the marinade later) We brought a bacon potato salad, it was pretty yum for the first go at the recipe. After dinner we had a bocce match. In-laws vs the Gโ€™s. We played until the bugs and lack of light made it unpleasant to play. I think the Gโ€™s were ahead by a point or two when the match was called. It was a fun night with my parents, sister and JP.

Today was a whirlwind of house cleaning, a little yardwork, visits and we watched the end of the Tour de France in the morning. In the evening KK brought over his killer new Marshall amp and we jammed for a bit. His new amp sounds great, incredible powerful tones. Anyway bagged and it is after midnight so cutting this short.

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