...a place to bury thoughts

Another brick in the wall

November 30, 2015 @ 09:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Bills, Family, Trans Canada Trail

Trans Canada Trail walk with Mom

Trans Canada Trail walk with Mom

Yep. Iโ€™m another year older. It was pretty uneventful. Which suits me more and more as I age. Bdot and I did some running around in Orangeville on my birth day. So much so we were hangry before we realized it. We settled on Thai from Bolton which was pretty delicious. We both filled two plates then collapsed in food comas.

Friday bdot was out most of the day shopping with my Mother and sister. Everyone survived and I think they got most of their shopping done. My Mom stayed over Friday and my sister and BiL came over for dinner Saturday night. I BBQed chicken burgers which I made earlier in the day. Before everyone arrived for dinner, while bdot was out getting her hair done Saturday I took my Mom for a walk on the Trans Canada Trail. It was colder than I thought it would be so it curtailed the walk a bit I believe. Otherwise it was beautiful. Well, except for the shifty creepy guy with the toddler we passed. He seemed really off. Was trying to hid his face and didnโ€™t acknowledge us as he passed. Child seemed fine. Still, it seemed odd. We also came across a crow. This good sized bird didnโ€™t seem disturbed by our presence at all. We called to him and heโ€™d look at us but continued about his business. We carried on down the trail and passed the tree 15m later and he was still there. Iโ€™ve always thought crows were a pretty interesting/smart bird and there have been plenty of studies to back this up.

Hey buddy!

Hey buddy!

Dinner went over well. The five of us ate all the burgers I made. Two needed a refiring. Hmpt. My sister gave me some yummy teas and other foods. A tea sounds like a good idea actuallyโ€ฆ The battery I got with the e6420 I won off ebay was, of course, the lowest end battery available. Well at least it seems to last as if it were. A full charge lasts 1h5m?? Which is practically useless. Iโ€™ve ordered a 9 Cell battery which Iโ€™m hoping (praying?) will get me at least 5-6hrs of life. We shall see. It is in transit. It is remarkable the range of prices for the same battery from different retailers online. If you are looking to buy a laptop battery do shop around!

The exterior of the house finally seems ready for the festive season. It took a some cord and timer juggling to get everything set but I think we are there. We toyed with the idea of getting one of those laser light shows that seem to be the โ€˜newโ€™ thing the pass couple of years. Ultimately we opted for a classic look with white LEDs with red and green flood lights. I love the night look of the house, both in the front and the backyard. Now if only we could get some snow to cover all the dirtโ€ฆ.

Bills lost a pivotal game yesterday. It likely means missing the playoffs for a โ€˜sports franchiseโ€™ leading 16th season in a row. Oh gawd. At least the Sabres has strung two wins together and look competitive most nights.

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