Wet walk in Palgrave today
It was slushy, wet and rather miserable outside today but we still enjoyed a walk with Brian and all the dogs in Palgrave forest today. If you lost your Honda keys while walking they are at the trailhead off highway 50.
Friday was suppose to be the Fall Ball hockey final. First Mo opted out for an annual banquet, Adam was sick then the final straw, our goalie thought was too unpleasant to drive. If we played that would be no goalie, no subs for a final game. Maybe if this was actually for something I'd bust a nut, but for a meaningless rec win (if even possible) - why bother. I opted to just have a community 'sticks-in' game. Everyone wasn't happy with that decision but seriously, if we played, we likely wouldn't have won anyway and it would have been a frustrating, uphill, slog. For a t-shirt. PASS. The rec game was fun, I don't know if score was kept and the game video wasn't released so... *shrug*
The Winter season of Ball Hockey starts next Friday - but we are off to Killaloe for an early Christmas with the MiL.

Moch watching the Christmas tree
We have some of the Christmas decorations up. I straightened some of the lights on the front of the house...The greatroom decor is now automated. I love these smart plugs. They can be setup in a minute and always work with Google instantly.
Gawd the Sabres. What a brutal week it has been. Some brutal losses (three in a row) and it looks like Tuch is now out. I'm turning games off now. They are just too frustrating to watch some nights.

Bro. That is sweet flow.
At least Tottenham came from behind to tie today. ๐
We burned through all of season six of The Crown. (What's been released anyway...) Ugh. It was tough. It recapped the death of Princess Diana. I do wonder how factual it is. Regardless, it was gripping and sad to relive the events. Diana was such a charismatic figure. It really is a shame she didn't get to fulfill her many charity projects and maybe find happiness. It sure shows a lot of the icky, stubborn side of the monarchy and they dragged their feet to even acknowledge her death. Good grief...
Just in case two wars wasn't enough...There is serious talk that Venezuela may attempt to annex part of its neighbour Guyana. Ugh...It looks like they have their eye on a massive part of the nation. *SMH*
Our neighbour also moved out today. Sadly we didn't get a chance to say goodbye. They were largely private and quiet people. Very nice. Hopefully don't get any idiots next...Hmpt.
Congrats to my sister who finished another marathon. This was in California (CIM).

We see you fscker
Our cam caught some criminal door-checking our cars last night at 4 in the morning. Presumably to either steal contents of the car or the car itself. It looks like a white male, maybe 5 foot 2. White hoodie. White shoes. Clearly obscuring their face. Sigh.
Speaking of criminals, it looks like P*t*n is doubling-down on stupid and increased the budget for the war in Ukraine...*facepalm*
Sabres now 3-8-1 in the last 12. WOOF.