...a place to bury thoughts

Bachelor Weekend

May 5, 2012 @ 11:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

hiking, hockey, home, Bruce Trail, Invictus

Hello there moon.

Hello there moon.

Itโ€™s been another bachelor weekend for me. Bdot is off at some womenโ€™s getaway until tomorrow. So it has been a quiet weekend. She left from work mid-afternoon on Friday, so when I got home yesterday the house was quiet. (Except for all the meowing) I picked up some Fish and Chips for dinner. Mmmm halibut. After walking the dog I settled in for the evening. I watched some hockey and Invictus.

Invictus is about the ending of White rule in South Africa in the 90s. It started two of my favourite actors: Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Freeman played Nelson Mandela and Damon played the captain of the South African Rugby team. It is an interesting story showing how Mandela took advantage of Rugbyโ€™s popularity to help unity the nation. It was a little slow at times, but overall I enjoyed it. โญโญโญ

Surprisingly I woke up early today. I figure I was fueled by nightmares of the yellow blight on my lawn. I got to ridding them right away. I filled two buckets full of weeds and dandelions by the time I was done. Pretty brutal. I got most of them. Our lawn is no longer the worst on the block. Damn Joneses. Curiously there was no hockey on tonight. Team Canada played this afternoon versus the States in the IIHF World Cup. They lost in overtime. Ho-hum. The Caps/Rangers game was on at the same time. The Caps ended up winning and tying up the series.

After further yardwork and housework was done I took the dog for walk. I planned out, what I thought, was a section of the Bruce Trail. When I arrived at the location it wasnโ€™t the Bruce Trail but the Caledon Trail. (The Bruce is typically a forested trail, the โ€˜Caledon Trailโ€™ is more of a path, and is many times wider than the Bruce Trail) Iโ€™ll have to look into that. Odd. Speaking of oddโ€ฆ During the walk back to the car I met up with a very strange older man. I figure he was about 70% there. He was boisterous and chatty. Exactly what I donโ€™t want on my quiet walk with the dog. Bizarro-man followed me all the way back the car asking me all sorts of questions about the dog, often repeating himself several times. He even did the โ€˜buddy slapโ€™ on my back. Seriously, what did I do to deserve thatโ€ฆ It was very strange. Eventually he got in his car and his wife flashed me a โ€˜Iโ€™m sorry my husband is a bit senileโ€˜ glance. Oivey. After that I decided I deserved pizza for dinner.

Since there is no hockey it is movie night. The first was the Swedish version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo followed by Immortals.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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