...a place to bury thoughts

Very animated

April 28, 2020 @ 06:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Anime and animation, Gaming, Inside Out, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Onward

The emotions

The emotions

So with this extra time we have been trying to keep ourselves busy. Bdot is working full time still, and I’m part-time at best. Still, being home saves a ton of time from driving to work. We’ve both been zwifting a far bit. In the evenings we have watched a few animated films that really impressed. The first was Onward. I really enjoyed it. I think Barley Lightfoot is my spirit animation. For me it was ⭐⭐⭐⭐. The second was Inside Out. It was an incredible movie. It was smart, funny, interesting (for both adults and I’m sure children) and wow, what a great idea for a film. Just amazing. Earns a high ⭐⭐⭐⭐½.

Barley Freaking Lightfoot- Rock on

Barley Freaking Lightfoot- Rock on

Fun dungeon crawl at times

Fun dungeon crawl at times. Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Working through a few games. Far Cry 5. Kingmaker. And recently playing Battle Brothers which is pretty fun.

My Uncle Tom has passed away. We were not very close. I remember him a lot when we owned a trailer in Bridgenorth and Christmases growing up.

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