...a place to bury thoughts

Aged 40 years overnight

October 12, 2009 @ 09:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, Family, hernia, Kev and Suz, Sibling

Living with a Hernia...

Living with a Hernia...

Wow. Hernias suck. Living with a hernia....It makes you aware of every movement you make. Every bend, every stretch, every climbโ€ฆ GAHHHโ€ฆ It isnโ€™t painful necessarily but it feels like something is โ€˜wrongโ€™ and โ€˜nagsโ€™ at you with every movement. I canโ€™t imagine guys ignoring it and not having it fixed. I feel very fragile and limited. Just sitting up and down comes with some discomfort. Hopefully I can get into surgery quickly and have it fixed. My understanding is it is minor day surgery. You go home the same day. I should find out when I get cut tomorrow.

We drove down to Niagara for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner (and Dadโ€™s birthday) at my parents. The turkey was a drug-free all natural bird and it was scrumptious. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for hosting and putting on such a delightful meal. My father has turned into one of those guys who is hard to buy for and who doesnโ€™t want anything for his birthday. Are scratch tickets really a great gift? Hmmpt. I guess having three cakes for dessert makes up for it a little.

My sister and JP are counting down the days until they take possession of their house. This Friday!

The dog has been at Kevin and Suzanโ€™s since Thursday evening. It looks like sheโ€™ll be there a few more days. Apparently she is no trouble and has been hunting and driving her brother crazy. The house seems to have a lot less energy without the dog here. Even if she is a pretty lazy dog.

Thanks again B. for picking up the slack around the house. I feel like an such an invalid right now. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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