...a place to bury thoughts

A few days at the cottage and Sad passings

July 5, 2021 @ 08:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, Family, Food, Pets, In Memoriam

Finally some down time

Finally some down time

We finally got out of the house and *gasp* spent some time with… *gasp* some people! We had a few nights at the cottage with Bill and Anita. It was a lovely couple of days. The weather cooperated for the most part so we were able to get out and do some things.

The main activity was biking. The Tay Shore trail is amazing! It is a very well maintained, flat trail in the Muskokas. The four of us ventured (over two days) from Waubaushene to Port McNicoll and from a random access point to Midland. It is a great find and I hope to do more of the trail in the future. There is so much to see at the passing along Hog Bay and Severn Sound and into the charming homes along the water in Midland. We’ll plan a longer outing with some lunch one day.

Discovered how delicious blender watermelon is. Wow. Mystic had a lot of fun playing with Lily, chasing chipmunks and paddling with Mommy.

I guess I don’t post much anyone so… I guess the blog hasn’t noted a few sad passings. Bdot’s father passed away a few weeks ago. I remember him as a fair man that always took the time to talk to me about computers and media. He had a big laugh and I’m sad to have not had a chance to say goodbye. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible as I come to the second sad passing.

Our beloved Tanga has also passed. From my facebook post:

Bye my sweet friend

Bye my sweet friend

It is with deep sadness I’m announcing the passing of our beloved dog Tanga (Can Ch Kivalo Masoko Tanga FD RN). She was my first dog and had an incredible softness and warmth to her disposition. Tanga was always a regal and calm soul. I recall Alex telling us to put her away at a Vizsla open house event so that prospective new dog owners didn’t think she was typical of the breed. She was, in many ways, the unVizsla.

She was our faithful companion over years and years of hikes, walks and endless outdoor activities. Tanga was a perfect trail dog and logged thousands of steps with us. She also loved to play and hunt with her brother Cairo, sleep under blankets and swim with us, especially in Round Lake.

She is the last of her littermates to pass, making it to 16 years. We have a special thank you to Alex Richard who brought her into our lives and helped mentor and guide us into Vizsla ownership. We weren’t the only ones to take notice of her striking aura, she received several accolades and titles during her life including Canadian Champion, Field Dog and Rally Novice. I thank her for opening my heart and allowing me to see why dogs are humankind’s best friend. Rest in peace, my sweet girl, you will be missed evermore.

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