...a place to bury thoughts


June 8, 2003 @ 09:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, food, JP and Sibling, meme



Huhโ€ฆ Interesting night at B.โ€™s sisters. First off we ate A LOT of meat which was BBQโ€™ed by her Brother in Law to tasteful perfection. Ribs and Wings. MMmmm Mmmm Mmm! I didnโ€™t know I liked ribs so muchโ€ฆ YUMMY! After dinner we played Yahtzee, which I never played beforeโ€ฆ on my second role I got โ€˜yahtzee!โ€™โ€ฆ heh. I guess Iโ€™ve used my good luck up already for this year. First meeting B. then Yahtzee. heh. We had a bunch of drinks and played some other games as well. It was a lot of fun. And the Ducks won. Game 7 for the cup. Nice. Should be fun to watch, it has been awhile since a final went to 7 gamesโ€ฆ

So far, *another* great weekend with B.. The more we talk and reveal ourselves to each other the closer I get to her, and the stronger I feel about our longevity together. It is staggering some of the similarities, mutual interested, needs, desires and dreams we share. Surgite!

Monday madness? More questions!

From Monday Madness!
1. Who hosts your blog or personal website? If you donโ€™t have one, have you considered starting a blog?
Hosted by canadawebhosting.com.

2. What prompted you to choose the color combination/background for your personal blog or website?
I like the colours I choice. Personal colour preferences.

3. Have you ever considered switching โ€˜blog hosts/servicesโ€™??
โ€ฆ.and a bonus question because I need to know that my faithful participants will keep coming back after I moveโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆGawd. Many, many times. They are clowns.

4. Will you visit Monday Madness at itโ€™s new โ€œhome?โ€

Updated: Madness is gone.

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