...a place to bury thoughts

Sabres wrap up Capitals

November 27, 2003 @ 07:11 pm 🔗 Post Link

linux, Buffalo Sabres, pondering

Happy Birthday to me.

Happy Birthday to me.

Finally the Sabres gave me some birthday joy with a big win over the Capitals… 5-2… and Satan ended his scoring slump.

I have moved my e-mail completely over to Linux. I only use Windoze now for apps not on Linux and gaming. (Which is still a fair bit…) but it is nice to get out from under the massive micro$oft rock of dependency.

Happy Birthday to me.

Every year it happens. I can’t stop it and neither can you, Time ages me a year. So… now I’m 32. Up one from last year. -grin- In the big picture I guess things are good. There are unquestionably some serious concerns in my life… but I guess that is what life is all about. Learning, experiencing, sharing, taking, daring, failing, succeeding, small victories… and searching for the right mix of all those to be happy. I’m certainly close. Closer to being happy than I have been in a long time. The past year has seen some dramatic, life altering changes for sure. In spite of the initial unpleasantness of much of it… I think I’m in a better situation than before. Having found someone that consistently brings a smile to my face helps considerably as well. So I’m looking forward to the next year. I’m sure it will have a typical slice of the aforementioned mix.

Fun November 26th facts.
Thanks to everyone who has expressed well wishes.
Update: November 26th page is gonzo.


It was a pretty uneventful birthday… not that I care. I usually don’t like to be the centre of attention. Still… something was lacking today. The house was empty most of the day… it was quiet… too quiet. Quiet makes me think. Thinking when you’re 32 and not where you want to be is not a good thing. Aging is a demotivator for me clearly. Yes… I’m sensitive to a lot right now… I can see the end of my contract in the near future… and have not found a replacement yet… it is bugging the shit out of me. I’ve had career-ish jobs but they -for various reasons- have ended. I hate restarting. Shouldn’t I be at the point where I have some stability? Shouldn’t things be getting easier for me NOT harder? Are my expectations too high? Yes, feel the frustration. Gah… sigh…

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