...a place to bury thoughts

Historic Win

September 8, 2024 @ 01:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

CANMNT, PWHL, James Earl Jones, Tyreek Hill

Incredible win
Incredible win

Historic win for Canada's Men's National Soccer team in the U.S. today. Their last win on U.S. was in cough 1957. Wow. The Canadians were dominant and aggressive in the first half. The U.S. looked like they were in a fog or could just show up and win... The U.S. came out better in the second half. Scored but, it sure looked like offside upon review...More importantly, Canada maintained their composure and the lead into the final minutes. Woo! I hope they spank Mexico on Tuesday as well. Kings of CONCACAF? Sure are in the running for sure now.

Was going to go for a real ride today but it was raining and I don't ride in the rain. Did another MyWhoosh ride... It felt better than the last one.

Toronto Sceptres
Toronto Sceptres

The Professional Women's Hockey League released their team names today and wow... UGLY. Toronto's name will be The Toronto Sceptres. Yup. I think that is pretty awful. It's an odd word which will undoubtedly be misspelt constantly. And why sceptres? To denote that great sports attribute of royalty? Just seems like a really missed opportunity for something uniquely 416. I mean I guess it is unique for a sport's team... maybe because it's such an awful name.

Odd game from the Bills yesterday. Really bad 1st half and strong 2nd for a marginal win.

The Original Six
The Original Six

The other names are mildly better...I guess. Montreals may be even worse than Torontos... You can at least make a case for the others...

Ugh. Hearing actor James Earl Jones has passed away. #RIP

Now somehow the Presidential race is close again. What are 'Mericans smoking?!! OMGWTFBBQ.

So I NFL player for the Miami Dolphins, Tyreek Hill was pulled over for speeding and it escalated to him being handcuffed and forced to the ground. It was an ugly scene for sure. Some Cops seem (to unnecessarily escalate) to aggressive physical force for sure. (And I think those Cops should be fired - having the level of power they do, it should be exercised with discretion and patience - and when it isn't, it is almost always the civilian that is harmed or worse)

The Cops dealt with the situation poorly. They seemed to lose control as Tyreek's team mates stopped to support him. Getting into further conflict and arrested them as well...

That all said, TyreekHill sure didn't help himself with his attitude and non-compliance. I believe if he kept his window down as asked (which Cops do for their safety) he probably just gets a ticket and is on his way. So, both sides contributed to a really unfortunate situation IMHO. I do think the Cops were more in the wrong here but jez...I think this could have been avoided... *SMH*.

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