...a place to bury thoughts

Boys will play

January 22, 2012 @ 09:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, Apollo 18, Captain, Joeyicus, nIVEK, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Delicious dinner

Delicious dinner

Bdot was away at a birthday party ‘up north’ back where she grew up. So I was left to fend for myself this weekend. I ended up only breaking one thing! *smirk* I organized to have some buddies over Saturday night, so Friday evening was spent getting ready. I’m not sure how I worked this all in… but… I walked the dog, got groceries, made chili for dinner during the week, tidied the house, finished most of the vacuuming and laundry and still watched a movie and most of a second.

A friend recommended Apollo 18… I’m wondering if I was setup…? The premise is somehow footage from a lost Apollo mission surfaced and reveals a tragic mission to the moon. The footage is full of glitching and is awkward to watch for a lot of the film. I guess all the dark uncertain footage could create suspense. I just found it irritating. Also irrigating is how ridiculous the plot becomes. The plot take a turn towards the film Alien then spirals into an absurdly silly abyss. The acting was decent and I liked the characters, I wanted to like this Sci-fi movie… the premise was intriguing, but I just couldn’t buy the Alien-creature-brain-take-over plot again…on OUR MOON. These things are on the moon, killed a bunch of Astronauts and no one cared about it for 60 years?. Weaksauce. ⭐⭐

The second, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a movie that has sat in our archive for quite awhile… so I decided to give it a spin. It was much better movie. The movie follows the main character, Benjamin, from birth to death. When he was born he was discarded due to having a strange illness. He was born looking old and as he aged he became younger and younger. A curious case indeed. There are a few plots within the film… (Won’t mention them all) The film is based on the point of view of Benjamin’s love interest in the movie. She is dying and shares some final thoughts with her daughter, revealing her long relationship with Benjamin. The movie is a fun adventure. It is funny to see the ugly old man change into the dapper and handsome Brad Pitt. It is very well acted and very convincing. Quite enjoyable and moving. I ended up going to bed pretty late. *smirk* ⭐⭐⭐¾

Saturday with the boys was a lot of fun. JC arrived first, which was odd since he is usually the last one who strolls in late. We talked for a bit then tried to get a multiplayer game going on the 360. That failed miserably. Mid-fail both Captain and KK arrived. We decided to focus on dinner instead: steak, potatoes, grilled red peppers and onions. KK brought the steaks (thanks!) and a bottle of very smooth Agave Leyva Blanco Tequila. Entertainment was both NHL hockey on the TV and KK’s old school table top hockey game. KK’s game was a little different that the original I played a long time ago but it is essentially the same thing. I was surprising to give KK a 9-4 beat down. Yeah, that’s right. Captain and KK were found pounding on the drums periodically throughout the evening. It was a pretty chill night. I think everyone was pretty happy to have a good dinner and relax with a few bevies. KK and Captain stayed the night, JC left around midnight since he has to get his daughter to a hockey game in the morning. What a dedicated daddy. We stayed up for awhile after JC left… We started watching a Bond film but I was falling asleep, or maybe passing out… regardless that was where I headed to slumberland.

Sunday was low key. Watched some football, gamed and welcomed bdot home. Otherwise I didn’t do much… I was exhausted most of the day.

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