...a place to bury thoughts

Wait, what weight?

January 20, 2012 @ 09:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, health, Buffalo Sabres

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index

It seems I’m expanding and gaining some weight. Nothing alarming …yet, but I’m certainly up a few pounds. The weight seems to be gathering speed in typical male middle belly area… much like my Dad. There seem to be different ranges for ideal weight but I’m certainly well within the normal range according the BMI chart above… but I’d still like to drop a few pounds, otherwise I can see a slippery slope to becoming Homer Simpson shaped. D’oh.

I think the wedding meltdown has past. We are now focused more on looking at new options and finding a way to get within our budget. Even if we do met the budget we will be stretched very thin… There is choice and options…I’m confident in time we’ll be back on track, with a financial plan and in a better frame of mind.

I’ve been a Sabres’ fan for about 25 years… Sure I don’t recall the early years well, but I can’t say I’ve ever witnessed a sorrier state for the franchise. They are not ever competitive and are outclassed every night. It is a test of faith in the Pegula era. So far hockey heaven has been hockey purgatory… every day is the same horror repeated over and over…

Bdot is away this weekend. She is going up north for a friend’s birthday party. So the boys are coming over for Steaks and Sports. Should be a good time!

My loooooooooooooooooong awaited tablet is finally in stock… I’m being forced to wait for it. 😦

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