...a place to bury thoughts

Weekend for the dogs

March 19, 2007 @ 01:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Remi, Tanga, Pets, Home, True Colours



Saturday started with a trip to get my passport. B. and I are hoping to Ireland in a few monthsโ€ฆThe passport office was packed. There must have been about a hundred people in there when I arrived. I took a number and sat. I asked the clerk if I would be even see someone, she said it shouldnโ€™t be a problem. The wait wasnโ€™t that bad. I think it was maybe 30-40 minutes. I got the impression that some people were waiting much longer. I couldnโ€™t imagine waiting all that time and finally see the clerk only to be told the papers were filled out wrong. I asked my clerk what it like working here. She said sometime she wants to stab herself in the neck with a pen. The blunt side I hope, I replied. Not every day she said. Phew. It appeared that I filled the papers out properly they have been sent to where ever for processing.

Saturday night we has some Vizsla people over for some pizza and talk. B. and I are involved with a Vizsla club and we wanted to talk about the agenda for the meeting on Sunday. It was a fairly lengthy talk. I donโ€™t handle long meetings very well. I found this out even more today. The club meeting was around five hours. It seemed to me to be much longer. While I enjoy the breed and I look forward to helping out with their websiteโ€ฆ I donโ€™t have any interest in the majority of the affairs of the club. Maintaining the website will be my volunteer contribution. One that Iโ€™m happy to make. I think I will however, avoid agendas and meetings and minutes. I don't have enough Gold โš ๏ธ (link now 404 ๐Ÿ˜• - Jan/24) to survive another marathon session. (Find your True Career Colours here) โš ๏ธ (link now 404 ๐Ÿ˜• - Jan/24) After a nice walk with a bunch of Vizslas we came home (very tired) and chilled out with Thai and a movie.

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