...a place to bury thoughts

Watered down Country

July 12, 2010 @ 08:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, music, sports, TFC

Toronto FC

Toronto FC

As you read with my last post, I was at a TFC game on Saturday. It was crazy. Nivek got two tickets for Father’s day and was awesome enough to invite me to join him. The seats were great, five rows from the field! *we could have been hit by a ball – we weren’t though* It was hot. Really hot. We were close to one of the crazy TFC sections… you can see them in the previous post. They were incredible TFC supporters: chanting and singing all game long. They must be there all the time because even security was cutting them a little slack letting them stand on railings to initiate chants. Great jobs guys! It was a pretty decent game… a few chances on both sides, some rolling around on the field, and a TFC goal (and win!).

I was pretty tired after the game… I had two hours to chill then we headed to Bethany to visit one of B.’s friends and deliver a car for her parents. They got a new Ford Focus and we were meeting them *halfway* from their house so they could pick it up. Although I wouldn’t buy a Ford, it seemed like a decent, technologically jam packed little car, B. said it was peppy too. That night we went over to ‘friends of a friend’s house’ for a bonfire. They live in a rather rural farm area… the mosquitoes were the worst I’ve seen this summer. Evil vampire bugs.

If you know me well, you know music matters to me, (B. calls me a music snob – *shrug* I prefer to think of it well exposed) so having to listen to Country most of the night made my skin crawl. More Travis Tritt? Um… no thank you. They asked, what do you listen to? ‘Industrial mostly’… What is that? Um… Have you heard of Nine Inch Nails? No? Err… Is it techno? Well, kind of but… it is heavier than that… Maybe we should put some on! Well, (considering you are listening to Country) I really don’t think you’ll like it… It isn’t something you just… turn on and say, wow, that’s great… Anyways… I was happy to have the station switched to some best of 80s ordeal, at least there was Joan Jett and INXS. No, I don’t expect people I don’t know to play industrial. I’m well aware it isn’t *mainstream* and most people have never heard most of the bands I listen to… but at least play *some* classic rock. 3hrs of Country and I want horses and cows to rain from the sky and crush my ears. Anyway… They were nice people and nice hosts. They made an incredible fire… I’m sure it is still burning.

Sunday we took the dogs for a walk in Millbrook… to cool off we spent most of the afternoon in B&B (B.’s friend’s) pool. It was fun to chill in a pool on a hot day. We left in the early evening. Once home I watched the World Cup final. It was a little slow… I was hoping Holland was going to win… but really it is Spain’s first title as well so… good on Spain… It looks like the country needed some good vibes.

Ugh. A Monday with a Dentist’s appointment right after work. Blahhhhhhh……

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