...a place to bury thoughts

Warpath too late?

March 15, 2024 @ 11:03 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, Will, Ball Hockey, Pets, Steam, Gaming, Texas

Here. Again.

Here. Again.

Ahh yes, the Sabres in March. Once again, they are making their heroic, end of season run for the final playoff spot. UGH! Yes, they are mathematically only three point back but all the teams above them have games in hand. They are playing the best hockey they have played all season. They look incredible in all aspects of play (well maybe not the PP). Ukko is playing at Vezina level in net and they have found their scoring touch again. And it isn't the top line scoring all the goals. I'm not sure how much I want to put their uptick in play on the new D-man Byram but he us basically a Dahlin Jr. or maybe even a Dahlin clone - and that is incredible. (4 points in 3 games from the blueline!) But, c'mon, it is the Sabres. So in all likelihood they miss AGAIN by one or two points. *snort*

Their playoff chances were as low as 1.4% and it is now up to 8.5%. It is climbing but it is still really remote. So it is a combination of frustration of what could have been with a glimmer of hope. I mean, ending that embarrassing streak would sure be nice but it is still likely too little, too late, once again...

No ball hockey tonight as it is March break. The final game is next Friday and we play for the glorious T-shirt.

We are toying with the idea of another dog. Another Vizsla. The breeder is exceptional. Probably the most pro-active at setting a dog up for success that is possible... Still, it would be a profound commitment to more dog stuff for years. Bdot is already out often with various dog activities. So I don't take this decision lightly.



GASP! Hopefully I can find something with my left over credit this time!

You can choose Putin or Putin or Jail! (or worse)

You can choose Putin or Putin or Jail! (or worse)

Oh and Russia is having an "election" where the people get to "choose" their "leader". Err. okee! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

HAHA! In a minor backlash to the never-ending conservative Republican erosion of rights, porn sites in Texas are forced to implement a pointless age verification method. More ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„. So a few sites have banned Texas some accessing their content complete. "Visitors with Texas IP addresses who visit Pornhubโ€™s website are now presented with a full-page message calling the Texas law โ€œineffective, haphazard, and dangerous." Props to CNN business for finding a way to include pulls out in their headline.

Internal Conflict

Internal Conflict


Watched another WWII drama last night called Will. Netherlands in World War II Wiki This time it was in Nazi-occupied Antwerp during World War II. The story revolves around two neutral Antwerp police officers as they skirt the razor between collaborating with the Nazis and resisting them. It is an impossible situation with death lurking around every decision. The film portrays the Nazis as evil, sadistic, soulless followers and the cops as forced to do their bidding. Those who don't met a gruesome fate. Will asks many questions about morality, conscience and the impact of choices during the war. The film begs the question of what would you have done as innocents are murdered around you? The acting is very good. It did seem a tad long but a solid entry. Not much new here however. โญโญโญยฝ

Wrexham sieged Tranmere Rovers for most of the game...but just couldn't bag one. Hmpt. Turning out to be an absolute crap day for my sports teams. The Sabres with a no-show third period in a must win game. How does that happen!?! If this is the end of any potential run at the playoffs... it goes out with a pathetic whimper more typical of the Sabres. (and the Sens beat the Isles - a team they are chasing) *SMH* Tottenham also lost badly to Fulham. Just waiting to see if TFC can stop the complete wipe ...Yup. TFC dropped their first game of the season. So disastrous sports day!

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