...a place to bury thoughts

…when you’re waiting for a…

April 9, 2003 @ 05:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

food, GTA, hockey, geeky and tech, stuff, bdot, music, relationship

but it’s you i fell into…🎶

but it’s you i fell into…🎶

hmm. I’ve always been bad with names… Proper names… I was short changed on that part of my brain. (if you are carrying it around for me – I would like it back) I’m trying to recall a great Thai restaurant I was at a while back. It in in TO – somewhere on Queen (I think)… I just recall going in many little antique shops in the area. Which I think will be part of a great day later in the week.

2003 NHL Hockey Pool Pics

First off. Blow Leafs blow! Flyers in 7. Should be *many* good first round series and many contenders for the cup. Let the games begin!

My picks for ‘da pool:
1. Naslund – VAN
2. Zubov – DALL
3. Lang – WASH
4. Lindon – VAN
5. Turgeon – DALL
6. Sopel – VANC
7. Marshell – NJ
8. Blake – NYI
9. Halpern – WASH
10. Stevenson – NJ

something is bound to fall…

A lot on the go. I feel pulled in many directions at the moment.. likely not giving any of the things that have to be done the attention they require. Hopefully – I’ll be able to chop a few things off the ‘to-do’ list today.

And what is the deal with fido phones crapping out after 10 minutes? Talking talking hello? Hello? Gawwwwwwd! ^%&@#@ at first I thought it was simply not fully charged… but it has happened twice. I’ll let you all know what fido says. (I can’t wait to read the full-of-bunk reply they send… but anyways…)

Can we ship this snow somewhere? I’m so done with it.

Playoffs start tomorrow. Tomorrow. TOMORROW! I’m making my picks in the hockey pool tonight! I’m thinking Stars, Sens, Canucks and Devils will be good picks… Have to see how it all shakes down. ok… enough… I’ve had my nice little rants.

big us?

‘big me to talk about it
I could stand to prove
if we can get around it
I know that it’s true
when I talked about it
carried on
reasons only knew
but it’s you I fell into
well I talked about it
put it on
never was it true
but it’s you i fell into…’

-from Foo Fighters, Big Me

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