...a place to bury thoughts


May 25, 2009 @ 11:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, friends, stuff

You just need to dry clothes!

You just need to dry clothes!

This weekend flew by. We were out most of Saturday morning shopping. The dryer died a few weeks back and we were looking to replace it. It was a surprisingly frustrating process. All the new front loading dryers have a plethora of unnecessary computerized gadgetry. It just needs to dry clothes! So now not only are there mechanical points of failure on dryers, now you also have to worry about errors codes and circuit board failure. It is pretty sad. The feel of the new dryers is also underwhelming and unsatisfying. The quality isnโ€™t there. The knobs feel loose and fragile, the construction is plastic and rigidโ€ฆ I never thought Iโ€™d be disappointing in better technology, but these appliances are a joke.

So there are few differing options. Nearly all the dryers are like this now. They beep and chirp and have a dozen LEDs and seem to break down after a year, if any of the reading we have done is true. Clearly not all do, but it seems like a significant number based on the reviews and research we have done. We do need a dryer though. So we picked out a modest set that was on sale. When we got home we started reading about it, it sounds like a lemon with the exact computer problems mentioned before. Sigh. So we are back to square one. On the plus side, we did find a lovely furniture set for the backyard! *shrug*

Saturday night our friend Alex and her dogs stayed the night. It was a nice visit. B. and her like to talk about the breed for hours it seems.

Sunday we had my immediate family over for dinner. I cooked while B. was downtown with my Mom and sister at an artisan show. It was a pretty short visit, but it was good to see everyone. Hopefully my mother will be getting her cast off soon.

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